Page 64 of Royal Flush

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In moments, he was in the McLaren and roaring down the road. Back to the city to see where his destiny lay. He had plans to make.

Chapter Nineteen

Rowan pulled into a parking spot at Barrett Investment Group, having thought she’d never be here again. When she reached out to Emersyn on Friday night, Gerard’s sister had asked her to meet with the FBI today, Sunday, here at the office. This meant they could control the narrative, keep things under wraps until Barrett or whoever was ready to go public.

Nerves tugged at Rowan as she got out and straightened her gray suit. Her head was starting to pound. She hadn’t done anything wrong. Had they found her culpable in some way she didn’t recognize? Had her brother somehow implicated her in the sabotage? Rowan would not put that past him.

“Rowan!” Emersyn called from the doorway. The executive door. She’d only been through it once before, and that ride with Gerard had been as uncomfortable as this one was. Arriving on the quiet executive floor, Rowan followed Emersyn to the conference room. They passed Gerard’s empty office, and Rowan’s heart hiccupped. She missed him—even if he thought the worst of her. Damn it.

With a quick shake, she willed the tears away and joined Emersyn and the FBI agents in the conference room.

Not just them, though. Her mother got up from her chair and came around to hug Rowan.


“Come sit down, dear.”

“Why are you here?”

Her mother nudged her toward a chair, then returned to hers on the other side of the table. “All will be explained shortly.”

“Miss McCarthy?” a gray-haired man in a suit held up an FBI badge too quickly for her to read the name.

“I’m Special Agent Landon Rowsh, from the FBI. We’d like to ask you a few questions.” A woman, presumably the note taker, in the same type of dark suit sat behind a laptop.

Rowan gulped. This was it. She was going to go down in flames, and her mother would witness it. She gulped again. “I want to help however I can, sir.”

An hour later, the questions diminished to nothing, and Rowan was as confused as ever. “What is going on?” She looked from the agent to Emersyn to her mother.

“We’ve got him, baby,” her mother said.

Only Rowan saw the hint of sadness in her mother’s face. It couldn’t be easy, ratting on your own son. Anger filled her at how callous Finn had been with the people who loved him. Her mother didn’t deserve to be in this position, and Finn sure as hell didn’t deserve love.

“Did—did you get proof from Emily?”

Her mother glanced at the agent, who nodded.

“We sure did.”


“Emily left Finn. Last night.”

“Oh, thank God. Are she and the kids all right?”

“He never touched the kids, thank goodness. But he broke her jaw. Apparently, that was what it took for her to decide.”

“Is she safe?” Rowan clenched her hands. Finn had a long reach, and if anyone could find them, he could.

“They’re not hiding. They’re at my place and are welcome to stay as long as they need to.”

“Is that safe?”

“I’ve hired round the clock security both inside my condo and out.”

Her eyes filled with tears. “I’m so glad to hear that.”

The FBI agent cleared his throat. “When Mrs. Emily Murdoch left, she apparently emptied out the safe, including a video of her husband and Richard Silverman discussing the sabotage at Barrett Investment Group.”

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