Page 49 of Royal Flush

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When she’d cried herself out, she pulled back and grabbed a couple tissues. Her mother stood and took the glasses and bottle to the kitchen. When she returned, she pulled Rowan up.

“I think you need a good night’s sleep, and it will all feel better in the morning.”

“How? I have to go back and work with that man like nothing ever happened.”

“For now, yes. But I have a feeling this will all work out in the end.”

“Work out how?”

“Fate has better ideas than I do, I’m sure, and I’m not privy to them. All I know is that you are the best problem-solver around. So get a good night’s sleep, then get back in the game and solve your dilemma. You might not see resolution overnight, but you’ve been in for the long haul before. You can do it again. Now goodnight, dear. These old bones need their rest too.”

Rowan let herself be pulled to the spare bedroom. Not feeling encouraged by her mother’s words, she got ready and climbed into bed, figuring she’d lay awake half the night or more. Just then, her mother’s voice wafted through the condo, singing a lullaby Rowan had loved as a child. She managed to focus on that song and drift off, her last thought being that her mother was right. Tomorrow was another day.

Chapter Fifteen

Tuesday morning, Gerard sat at his desk mulling things over. He’d stayed late into the night, going over Rowan’s extensive and well-organized work. She had a knack for research. He agreed with her that she was close to a breakthrough, but, like her, he couldn’t see the mole in the material. Yet. They’d get there. He had a board meeting in less than an hour, called for by Richard Silverman and completely outside of their normal meeting schedule. Emersyn had been out of contact for a solid week, and he had no idea where she was, or he would have sent David to bring her ass back to the office. He’d left several messages and not one single returned call.

He glanced up to see the object of his thoughts sailing off the elevator, tanned and rested. She waltzed into his office with a wide smile on her face and a sparkle in her eyes.

“What?” he growled. “Did you get laid or something?”

“That’s crude, brother. And none of your damn business.” The blush that rushed into her cheeks belied the derision in her voice.

“You did get laid,” he accused her.

Emersyn shrugged. “Like I said, none of your business.”

“It is when everything’s going to hell, and you leave me to deal with it.”

“What’s going to hell?” Emersyn turned in a full circle. “I don’t see anything breaking down, and everyone seems busy.”

“We have an emergency board meeting in”—he glanced at his watch—“half an hour.”

Emersyn dropped all pretense at a relaxed I’ve just come from the beach mood and sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. “Who called it and why?”

“Silverman called it, because half of our funds are in the toilet.”

“I leave for one week—” Emersyn tried to joke but cut off the remark. “Catch me up and I’ll back you up at the meeting.”

“You damn sure will. You remember that provision our father put in his agreement with the board so they’d agree to let you and me take over?”

Emersyn brushed her bronzed red hair back. “I’m so sick of them holding that over our heads.”

“I think that’s what this meeting is about. Silverman is making a power play.”

“He can’t do that.”

“He’s within the bylaws. And, if I’m being honest, it’s a smart move on his part, especially since he’s wanted control of this company for a long time.”

“All right. What’s your weapon to combat this?”

“The proposal for Scott Cybersecurity.”

“You finished it?”

Gerard nodded, pleased with how it had turned out. “Rowan and I did.” He handed a copy to Emersyn, and she browsed the portfolio, then looked over the jacket. “This is really good, brother. Completely different from anything you’ve done before. More…humanized.”

“That was Rowan’s idea.”

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