Page 50 of Royal Flush

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“I knew she’d be a good fit here.” Emersyn grinned like a cat preening itself.

Gerard knew the moment she remembered his pledge because her grin widened.

“How are you and she getting along?”

“Fine,” he answered.

“You had to work pretty closely together to get this done so fast.”

“Not a problem. Can we get back to the board meeting?”

“In a minute.” She got up and came around to lean against the desk right next to him. He could feel sweat beading on his back.

“What do you think of Rowan?”

“She’s still on probation. And if things don’t turn around, she may have to become our scapegoat.” His gut clenched. He hated that idea and what it would do to Rowan as soon as he mentioned it.

Emersyn’s eyes closed to slits, and she leaned in closer. “I like her. I think she’s smart and funny, and she and I get along. I want to keep her around. If you do one thing to hurt Rowan, you’ll have me to answer to, brother.”

He agreed, but he couldn’t tell Emersyn that. He sure as hell couldn’t tell her they’d slept together. Gerard shook his head and stood, forcing his sister to back off. “Time to go.”

“This discussion isn’t over, Gerry. Don’t hurt that girl.”

Too late. He ground his teeth at the nickname he’d hated his entire life.

Walking into the overly quiet boardroom, even Emersyn tensed beside him. Gerard stood at the head of the table, grateful for his sister’s presence beside him. He kept his gaze passive and his emotions hidden, a hard-won talent he’d honed over the years.

“What’s this about, Richard?” He stared the man down.

“This company has issues—”

“This is a flicker, nothing more. Barrett Investment Group has had issues before. We’ll survive this one.”

“I’m not so sure.”

“I am.” Emersyn and Gerard said in unison. “Jinx,” she said under her breath.

A kid’s game? Now? He buried the headshake.

“There’s no use arguing about this. The board is invoking the dismissal clause.”

“The entire board? Was there a vote I wasn’t made aware of?”

“Yes.” Silverman stood and walked to the front of the room, standing only a few feet from him.

“You’re out of here, and I’m taking over.”

Gerard laughed, glad to see the surprise on the man’s face. “Sit back down, Richard.”

“No. You need to leave.”

“I’m still in charge and have the authority to eject you from any meeting. Sit. Back. Down.” He didn’t take his eyes off Silverman until the man sank back into his chair. Then, with an ease he didn’t feel, Gerard sat in the CEO’s chair, Emersyn taking her usual seat to his right.

He turned to the stenographer taking dictation for the meeting. “Has the board meeting been officially started?”

“No, sir.”

“All right then.” He looked at each member of the board, most of whom looked decidedly nervous. As they should be, caught in the middle of this power play the old geezer had prompted. “Let’s start the meeting and do this by the book.” He looked at Silverman, who glared at him but stayed in his chair.

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