Page 65 of Tethered Desire

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“Now we commune with our creator, Goddess Tsuki.”

Chapter 17


There was something infuriating about having a physical body while my companions behaved as though they were in heat.

There was little that separated us nocs from our fully animal counterparts, and I used to thrive on that. In my palace, there had been room for any behavior, even copious fucking. I had an entire wing for that. Just as I had a dungeon relegated to torture, I had rooms set aside for sex. It was just part of our nature, and I liked that part of us that lived for pleasure.

Over the years, Bracken had been somewhat obsessed with his little pet, Clem, dragging him along everywhere with him. I had taken whoever I wanted when the mood struck, whereas Kiar had been pickier.

We had always taken the time to enjoy ourselves and it had never been an issue.

But I could not wrap my head around how this had happened.

Sun, the human, practically owned the other three. I did not know if they saw it the way that I did, but it was sickening.

They were wrapped around his finger so tightly that I could not imagine them ever coming loose. I had been watching from the shadows in the prison, I had seen it all develop, but I did not understand.

What was this hold he had over them?

Would it fade when the tether was broken? Or would I be forced to kill the only servants who had fought for me?

Frowning, I watched Bracken kneel down for Sun to use his knee as a stool. The terrain was rockier now and growing steeper with every hour. Sun stepped onto it like it was his god given right and reached up to the ledge above to hoist himself the rest of the way.

I snorted.

He was weak. Clem had insisted that Sun’s stamina and strength was being drained to keep us alive–hence the need for fuel, or mana as he called it, but I wasn’t sure if I believed that.

Regardless of how tired and weak he currently felt, any noc could climb the mountain unassisted. I did not understand what was so special about Batu Sun. Was it his dark, piercing eyes that seemed to see straight through you, sometimes glinting green from our power and bond with growing frequency? Or was it his sensuous body? One that was so open to any pleasures offered to it.

At the top, Sun reached down, gripping Kiar’s hand to help him climb up next.

How absolutely ridiculous. Especially since Kiar grabbed it, allowing the assistance.

“Watching you pretend you cannot scale a hill is the most pathetic sight I have ever seen,” I couldn’t help but announce.

Kiar glowered but would not look at me.

“Are you so desperate for any touch from the noc killer.” I emphasized the words in case they had forgotten.

I was sick and tired of watching them all cuddle and fuck as though there was nothing more important at hand. Unless… Were they making the most of the time they still had together? How laughably sentimental.

Sun glared down at me.

“Don’t be so jealous,” he said, smirking.

My brows lowered.

“I hope you are joking,” I sneered. “What reason would I have to be jealous of someone who will give their body to anyone.”

“Anyone but you,” he retorted.

I drew back as though I had been slapped.

The easy comeback hit me hard for some baseless reason. I didn’t want Batu Sun’s affections. I did not want to share his body with my subordinates. I wasn’t interested.

Yet his words made me fume.

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