Page 12 of Tethered Desire

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No. Surely, he would come back. He probably only needed to clear his head.

That’s what I thought as I drifted back to bed, resting fitfully throughout the night. But in the early hours of the morning, when the stars were dimming above us, I finally could take it no more and extracted myself, carefully this time.

When I stood, exposed to the chilly air, I instinctively knew which direction he had gone.

I would make Kiar follow me and stay with us no matter what. There was no other way to make it out of the Celestial Forest alive otherwise.

Part of me, deep down inside, felt that there was more to my urge to hunt him down, but I refused to admit I just wanted him by my side.

Chapter 4


Ihad watched the group gathering to sleep, the scene so domestic I started hissing despite myself, annoyed by their behavior.

“Come lay down so that Sun can sleep on you,” Clem ordered, and the irritation in me grew.

“Since when do you tell me what to do?” I demanded.

Clem blinked his wide eyes at me, looking perplexed, but instead of needing me, Bracken, the huge bastard, laid himself down on the barren ground and invited Clem and Sun both into his embrace with eager arms.

Sun smirked, not even looking at me, and fury roiled through me. That bastard!

I watched them getting cozy until the sounds of their even breathing filled the air, and then, furious, I slithered away through the thick trees, over the rough earth. My skin was itching, either because I wasn’t used to having a physical form or because I needed to molt. Either way, it added to the discomfort that was building within me.

This new arrangement... It was dangerous.

I’d accepted the human, far too easily into my circle. I had been blinded by his unwavering bravery and foolish belief in himself... I’d wanted to protect him and patiently teach him to take both of my cocks at once—not so that I would feel pleasure, but because I knew he had never experienced anything like it before. He had never experienced anything like any of us.

Therein laid my true issue.

None of us knew how to handle each other. We were all so different. Bracken had tried to teach me how to be Sun’s master. However, though I was loath to admit, he was better at it than me. The bastard seemed to know just how to keep Sun and Clem both happy enough with little effort, whereas for me…

I paused where the game trail I’d followed led to the drop off of a small cliff. In the distance, I could just make out the prison we had escaped from. From here, it was nothing but a black shadow in the light of the rising sun.

I let out a small breath. We had escaped from that hell. I was living once more. I should not be angry.

“What are you doing?”

I stiffened and swiveled to see Sun standing behind me, hidden by the trees. He met my gaze with his sharp, unreadable eyes and my stomach knotted.

“One of the flying nocs might see you standing in the open like that,” he reminded me offhandedly.

“Let them.”

He watched me for a long moment and then tilted his head, assessing me curiously.

“Is that what you want?” he asked. “I have seen soldiers lose the will to continue to fight, but you do not strike me as that type.”

The thought alone nearly made me laugh. But I was in too bad a mood for that. I gritted my teeth shut and continued to glare.

“Why did you come after me?” I demanded. “Weren’t you cozying up to the other two for the night?”

“Yes, and it was quite nice and warm, but it wasn’t as safe as it seemed. All of you seem to have forgotten our situation. You hold some of my soul now, Kiar, and I hold some of yours.”

He sighed heavily.

“Either way, we should remain together. I do not want to know what will happen if we lose you.”

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