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Vivian's disbelief was evident in her tone, “Ash, that was more than just overprotective. It was a scene. Are you sure you're safe?”

I glanced at Nikolai, frustration welling up inside me, “I know, Viv. It was intense. But I promise you, I'm safe. He just worries too much. He's convinced that something bad is going to happen.”

Vivian's voice softened, concern lacing her words, “Ash, this isn't healthy. You shouldn't have to deal with this kind of behavior. Please be careful.”

I nodded, my grip on the steering wheel tightening, “I know, Viv. I'm trying to figure things out. But for now, I need to make sure to run things by Nikolai. But there’s nothing to be worried about, he is just doing his job.”

Vivian sighed on the other end of the line, “Just remember, Ashley, I'm here for you. If you ever need to talk or if things escalate, don't hesitate to reach out.”

Gratitude filled my eyes as I responded, “Thank you, Viv. I genuinely appreciate your support.”

As the conversation continued, a mixture of frustration and determination swirled around inside me. I knew I would have to confront Nik about his behavior, but for now I would approach the situation cautiously and hope for a resolution.

After I finished talking to Vivian, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Nikolai's grinning face. He'd always been the type to assert his dominance and wasn't afraid to show the world that I was his. Deep down, I knew he didn't care what Vivian thought.

The car came to a halt, and we stepped out onto the pavement. A magnificent private jet stood before us, gleaming in the sunlight. Its sleek design and polished exterior made it clear that no expense had been spared. The Wolkovs, not only owned this jet, but a whole fleet of them. It was a stark reminder of the enormous power and wealth that separated our families.

As I stared at the jet, memories of my father came to mind. He was a hard-working man, but we never had the means to own something as extravagant as a private jet. That was a luxury reserved for the super-rich, like the Wolkovs.

I felt a pang of nostalgia and longing for the life I never had. But at the same time, I couldn't deny the allure of Nikolai's world. The glamor, the opulence, and the doors it opened. It was a world I had entered whether I wanted to or not, and it had its own rules.

Nikolai turned to me, a knowing smile on his face. He took my hand, his touch both comforting and possessive. As we boarded the jet, I took a deep breath, ready to begin this new chapter of my life. The engine roared to life, and I couldn't help but wonder what was in store for me in this world of privilege and power.

When he told me about his meeting in California, there was a whiff of adventure in the air. He wanted to take me with him, and I couldn't help but feel a flutter of anticipation. We boarded the private jet, and I was immediately impressed by the luxurious surroundings.

The separate bedroom caught my eye, exuding an aura of opulence. It was a little small, but every inch of the room screamed luxury. The plush bedding, soft lighting and elegant furnishings created an oasis of comfort and extravagance. I couldn't help but marvel at how perfectly it suited my taste.

Lost in my thoughts, I found myself staring at my husband in amazement. He noticed my gaze and a playful smile tugged at his lips. I couldn't help but ask him if he had decorated the place to my taste. He chuckled, his eyes sparkled, and he replied: “Yes, my observant wife. I have made it my business to know everything about you, including your preferences.”

He spread out his hands and his eyes had a familiar intensity as he gestured to me. “Come, sit next to me, malyshka.”

Blushing at his words, I settled down in my seat and a pleasant silence enveloped us. The hum of the jet's engines provided a soothing backdrop to our conversation. I was drawn to his presence and eager to explore the depths of our connection.

I turned to Nik, my eyes searched his face and I finally plucked up the courage to ask him the question that had been burning in my heart.

“Nik,” I began, “Why did you bring me on this trip?” I shifted as his gaze moved back to mine. “I mean I'm not going to be attending the meeting, so what's the purpose of my presence here?”

His eyes glowed as he leaned closer to me, his voice a sultry whisper that sent shivers down my spine.

“Isn’t that obvious, malyshka?” He replied, his words full of desire and a hint of possessiveness.

He flashed his usual nasty sneer, lust oozing from his gaze. “I brought you here so I can fuck you however I want, whenever I feel like it.”

His words sent a shiver through my veins, and I was helpless at how quickly my body reacted to his words, radiating a wave of heat from within. The air between us crackled with an undeniable tension.

His hand gently stroked my cheek, his touch sending sparks through my body as he whispered softly in my ear. “Like right now.”

Nik immediately slipped his hand under my skirt, making me jump at his electric touch.

“Nik, what are you doing?”

My heart raced at the thought of a flight attendant walking in on us.


“Shh.” My mouth obeyed as my husband placed a finger over it to shush. My skin felt like it was on fire as he continued trailing around my entrance.

I wasn’t sure if it was the thrill of being caught or the fact that he was doing it in public that drove me over the edge. I moaned softly as his fingers brushed against my wet panties.

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