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“Yes, Nik. Vivian and Joshua are my cousins and you …you broke his arm, Nik.” She fumed, emphasizing her last statement. “You seriously don’t remember Vivian…my maid of honor?” Her glare was palpable. “Of course, you don’t … Josh couldn’t come to the wedding as he was overseas which is why he came to congratulate me in person! What difference would it make if he were there? You clearly wouldn’t have remembered him anyway.”

I just remembered Vivian seconds ago, calm down.

“Well, your cousin should learn to keep his mouth shut,” I declared.

“No. You should learn to keep your anger in check.” She shook her head, “You showed my cousins what a beast you are. Did you even think about what it would do to our marriage if word got back to my father??”

“Your father knows the kind of man I am–”

“— Oh wow, real classy, Nik!” She clapped her hands sarcastically.

“You're carrying my child, Ashley. I have every right to be overprotective of both of you.”

“Your child?” Her question was rhetorical: “The child in my womb is our baby, and I will protect it too,” she blurted out.

“As my wife, it is my responsibility to keep you and our baby safe. And that is exactly what I'm doing. You might not like it, but I'm doing my job. You hav no idea how many people are out there to get to you, to hurt you, our baby …”

“Like poor Joshua would want to hurt us,” she mumbled.

“I don’t trust anyone.”

She was quiet, her fire was gradually transitioning into something more sexual. I could tell that she loved the idea of being under my protection.

“Next time you want to leave the house, ask for my permission first. Got it?”

“And why would I do that?” she asked. The look on her face was lustful.


“Because I own you and you must listen to me, do as I say, and for fuck sake’s trust me.” I leaned close to her, so close that we could feel each other's breaths on our faces.

“You own me?” She stared at me invitingly, “Prove it.”

Her fiery, assessing gaze on me, kindled a burning desire in me, it took everything not to ravish her on the spot. She chewed on her lower lip, so damn tempting that I lost my iron self-control.

Like two horny teenagers, our lips met in a passionate kiss that was so hot and hungry it took our breath away. Our tongues swirled and slid back and forth in our mouths.

I could see that she was getting wet as she shifted in her seat and squeezed her thighs together. One hand slipped inside her buttoned blouse and rubbed her hard nipple through the fabric of her bra, while the other hand landed on her thigh.

I leaned more into her, as I kissed her neck she moaned softly, and it became even more audible as I slipped my hand into her panties. I let my middle finger glide over her wet folds.

I looked at her with a grin as I pulled my hand away. She grunted in disappointment. “You can be so infuriating.”

I left her hanging but then again, that was the idea.

I wanted to punish her.

Chapter 15 - Ashley

“Oh, my goodness, Ash! Finally, you have answered my call! Are you all right? What was Nikolai thinking?”

Vivian's worried voice came through the speaker, almost loud enough to be heard from a mile away.

I clutched the end of my cell phone tightly and watched as my ever mind-grating husband drove the car.

He gave me a teasing look and I glared at him, took a deep breath, and spoke into the phone: “Viv, I know what happened in the restaurant was embarrassing.”

I tried to keep my voice steady, but the tension was palpable, “I'm fine, Viv. He was just being his usual overprotective self. You know how he can get.”

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