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But when they came together, they flashed like comets in the night. They’d filled up every one of those moments, hiking, talking, cooking, loving. Oh, the loving. The way he’d touched her, kissed her, even the way he’d looked at her had set her on fire.

Until he’d returned from Costa Rica one morning and said he had to fly out to Paris that night. They’d made a fabulous dinner together, he doing the cooking, she chopping vegetables, acting as his sous-chef, something she’d always loved doing for him.

Then over dinner, he’d made the offer that absolutely destroyed her.

Gabby said, “He didn’t get a chance to ruin anything, because you left him before he could.” She punched the air. “Way to go.”

Ava said a little indignantly, “I didn’t leave him. He flew off to Paris and left me behind. After, mind you, he told me he’d give me a job working for him so I could always be with him. He treated me like Edward treated Vivian in Pretty Woman, basically saying I could come along as his mistress.”

As though her dreams meant nothing. As though only his rising career was important. He’d even said she could come back and finish her degree in a few years. The nerve. She could hear him even now. You’ll gain valuable life experience.

As what? Being a hanger-on, a woman he could introduce to his clients, then shuffle back to bed that night? She’d told him bluntly, “That’s not the kind of life experience I want.”

After she left that night, he hadn’t called, hadn’t even texted. She hadn’t either. He was the one who’d made that offer. The one who’d been in the wrong.

Gabby agreed with her. “He totally pretty-womaned you.”

After Ransom was gone, they’d often watched the movie together over bowls of popcorn and buckets of tears. But Ava always turned it off before the ending, when Edward came back. Because Ransom never had.

Ava’s heart turned over with love for her sister. “You’ve always been my staunchest supporter.” She squeezed Gabby’s hand tightly.

Her sister’s eyes were limpid pools. “You can’t know how I feel about that man for what he did to you.”

“But I do.” To escape painful reminders, Ava had avoided following Ransom’s rising celebrity status as much as she could. But Gabby had gone a step further, her animosity for Ransom coloring even her career decisions. “I never meant that you should pass up huge opportunities,” Ava said. “When Ransom needed a vegan chef—”

Gabby held up a hand. “I would never have worked with someone who could do that to you.”

Her sister’s loyalty always hit that soft spot in Ava’s heart. “But you just said I was the one who walked out.”

Gabby shook her head, her blond hair flying. “You had good reason to.”

“But I never wanted you to put your career second to my feelings.”

A growl rumbled up from Gabby’s throat. “I wouldn’t work for that man if hell—” She stopped herself. Because Ava might now have to work with that man.

The waitress arrived, two martini glasses filled with coffee liqueur on her tray. “Try these, ladies, and see what you think.”

The two drinks were foamy, with a scattering of espresso beans on the top. “It looks delicious. Thank you.”

The woman waited while Ava lifted the glass to her lips. And truly, it was ambrosia. “Oh my God. This is so good.” She flashed a smile. “You’re a wonder.”

Shrugging shyly, the waitress said, “I looked it up online and told the bartender how to make it. He didn’t even know we had all the ingredients.”

“Above and beyond,” Ava told her.

“You did great. Thank you.” Gabby licked the foam mustache off her lips.

“And no cream,” the woman added with a smile before she walked away.

“She deserves a big tip.” Ava fortified herself with another delicious sip. “Okay, here’s what I’ve learned over the last fifteen years. Yes, I’m still angry with him. I can’t help it. I really did think I was in love with him.” Gabby opened her mouth, but Ava forestalled her. “But I don’t think I ever really believed in love. Especially after Ransom. You know what our parents were like.”

Gabby answered softly, “Yeah, I know.”

“They were never great examples of shining love or family loyalty.”

Gabby could only agree with a nod. “I remember how it felt every time they left on another trip—”

“—and never took us along,” Ava finished. She’d spent her formative years trying to gain her parents’ approval. She brought home the best report cards, joined the debate team, worked on special projects, did whatever she could to get them to notice her. To spend time with her. To love her. But she was never good enough for them to stay.

She’d done the same with Ransom, always trying to do whatever he wanted, always trying be perfect for him. It hadn’t worked with him any more than it had with her parents.

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