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The two of them exchanged hugs with their brothers and Cammie, though Ava stopped short of hugging Fernsby. He just wasn’t the huggable sort. She’d seen him hug Dane and Cammie at the get-together three months ago to celebrate his big win on Britain’s Greatest Bakers, but she was sure that had been an anomaly as rare as the win itself.

Besides, she was terrified of the look he was giving her. What did it mean? A look from Fernsby could be only an ill omen.

When they were outside, Gabby dragged her down the street to a hole-in-the-wall bar, its dark and dingy interior suiting Ava’s emotional state. It might once, in its heyday, have been a jumping joint, with a mahogany bar, hardwood floors, and wood-paneled walls. But now there were scratches on the bar’s surface, dents in the hardwood, and streaks of dried condensation—or something—on the panels.

Thank God someone had wiped down the seat of the circular booth they slid into.

“I know this must be a really difficult decision,” Gabby said, her mouth drooping in a frown.

“It’s the worst,” Ava agreed. “Because Ransom is the only choice left. Dane is probably right that even if he won’t do it for me because of how badly we left things, he’ll do it for our family.” She huffed out a breath and finally smiled. “Thank you for not spilling the beans to the brothers. You’re the only one I ever told about me and Ransom.”

Her sister laughed. Gabby had a beautiful smile and a beautiful laugh. She was blond like their mother, whereas Ava’s red hair had come from some weird recessive gene in their father’s line. And while Ava could be called statuesque, Gabby was almost but not quite petite.

“You didn’t tell me,” Gabby declared. “I figured it out because I’m smarter than they are.” She scoffed from deep in her throat. “Like you were really going to tell your fifteen-year-old sister about your affair.”

Gabby was six years younger, and when Ava had met Ransom, her sister had barely started high school. Ava would never have thought of confiding in her. She’d never intended to tell anyone. Ransom had been her delicious secret. Until the relationship had soured.

“Well, I’m glad you figured it out, because I got to cry on my baby sister’s shoulder. I’ll always love you for being there for me.” She leaned over to hug Gabby tightly.

The waitress arrived then, and Ava was happy to know they had a server in a place like this. Especially when most of the clientele were huddled around the bar and only a very few of the tables were occupied.

“What can I get you two?” the woman asked. She looked like a college student, probably paying her way on salary and tips.

“I’d love an espresso martini.” Ava usually had a champagne cocktail if it was late, but after the day she’d had, she wanted the espresso boost. “That is, if your bartender knows how to make one.”

The young woman smiled. “If he doesn’t, I’ll look it up on the internet. We’ll make sure you get what you want.”

Ava smiled her appreciation. “Thank you.” And vowed to leave a good tip to help the waitress on her way to that college degree.

“I’ll have the same,” Gabby said. “As long as there’s no cream in it.”

“No worries.” Ava did a finger-drum on the table. “It’s just a couple of liqueurs and coffee. Nothing from a cow.”

The sisters laughed together, although Ava wasn’t sure the waitress got the joke.

“I’ve tried to think of alternatives to Ransom,” Gabby said as the ponytailed waitress bounced off to the bar, eager to fill the unusual order. “But none of my suppliers are equipped to do something like this.”

Ava covered her hand. “You’re the best for trying.”

All roads led to Ransom, it seemed.

When they’d met at his grandmother’s convalescent home, she’d been pleased to see that Ransom visited religiously every week. So many of the residents received no visitors at all. He’d told her he was working with Dane on the new resort her brother had been opening at the time. Had it been coincidence or serendipity? But the attraction had been instant.

She fell back into the present as her sister said, “I hate even saying this, because you know how I feel about that man.” Gabby had been her only confidante when things went south. “But you’ll just have to pretend nothing happened between the two of you.”

Ava felt a grunt rise from her throat. “How am I supposed to do that? He almost ruined my life.”

She’d thought herself in love. She and Ransom had spent every available moment together, though that hadn’t been a lot, since he was always flying off to Hong Kong or Dubai or London. His career was on the rise, and the man was literally going places. Ava had to admit she’d been no less busy. She’d enrolled in night school and was studying hard on her healthcare management and senior living degree.

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