Page 18 of Finding You

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“Not too often, but I used to go with my dad when I was younger. My friends dragged me here.” She paused. “Not that it’s painful or anything,” she quickly added.

He laughed, and she relished the sound. And that smile.

“Did you work today?”

“No. Thankfully the shop is closed on Saturdays.” He leaned on a newspaper dispenser. “What about you? Any other big weekend plans?”

“Usual Saturday stuff. I did some grocery shopping, a little bit of cleaning, a lot of sleeping in.” She tilted her head. “Not necessarily in that order.”

“Carter! Carter Donovan, is that you?”

They both spun toward where Derek and Haven headed toward him. Mason lagged behind, still talking on his phone.

“Derek McGowan.” Carter’s face lit up as he shook Derek’s hand. “I haven’t seen you since graduation.”

“It feels like it’s been a hundred years.”

Darcy and Haven shared confused expressions.

“Carter and I went to high school together,” Derek said, then looked between Carter and Darcy. “How do you and Darcy know each other?”

Haven placed her hand on her boyfriend’s arm. “Carter is the mechanic who rescued Darcy a couple of weeks ago.”

“I forgot you told me her car was towed to Flowering Grove,” Derek said. “I didn’t make the connection.”

Carter nodded. “Small world.”

“Where do you work?” Derek asked.

Carter jammed his thumb toward his shop. “Barton Automotive.”

“So you’re working for Ernie Barton?”

“That’s right.” Carter shoved his hands in his pockets. “I started right after high school. My sister married Gage Barton six years ago, so it’s kind of the family business now.”

“My dad always took his car and my mom’s car there. How are Mr. and Mrs.Barton?”

“Ernie is slowly embracing retirement. He’s doing more fishing than brake jobs, but he comes in just about every day. Glenda retired from the post office. She runs the office and does the books.”

“That’s cool.” Derek patted Carter’s shoulder. “You always said you’d be the fastest oil changer in Flowering Grove.”

Carter blew on his fingers and rubbed them on his sternum. “I’m proud to announce I am the fastest.”

They all laughed, and Haven shared a look with Darcy.

“Do you live nearby?” Derek asked.

Carter hesitated before nodding toward Main Street. “Yeah, just a few blocks from here. How about you?”

“I just bought a place out in Matthews, and I work in Uptown Charlotte.” Derek pivoted toward Mason, who stood with his back to them while talking on the phone. He shook his head and mumbled something under his breath before addressing Carter again. “Would you like to join us?”

Carter glanced at Darcy as if for approval, and she smiled, hoping he’d say yes. Then he met Derek’s gaze. “I’d love to.”

“Great.” Derek looped his arm around Haven’s shoulder. “Lead the way.”


Carter had a difficult time keeping his eyes off Darcy while they walked side by side down Main Street, taking in the line of cars. She looked beautiful with her sunshine-colored hair fixed in a French braid, and she was clad in a flowing pink blouse and a pair of jeans that accentuated her slender figure. Just the right amount of makeup highlighted those gorgeous green eyes.

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