Page 19 of Finding You

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When he’d spotted her standing by the Bronco, he’d had to shake himself, certain he’d imagined her. After all, he’d thought of her on and off during the past two weeks, and a couple of times, he’d considered texting her. But what could he say that wouldn’t seem creepy? The only texts he considered were:

Hey! It’s Carter. How’s your car? Want to go out with me?


Hi! It’s Carter. Did you need me to check your oil or brakes? Want to grab a bite to eat?

Both were super dumb. Instead, he’d hoped that somehow their paths would cross. Maybe her dad would bring his classic truck to the car show and bring her along too. It blew his mind that part of his dream had actually come true.

When he’d approached her, his efforts at small talk made him feel like a doofus. But he sensed Darcy appreciated his goofy sense of humor when she played along with the banter and laughed. He relished the sweet lilt of her laugh, along with that dazzling smile.

And what were the chances that Darcy’s best friend was dating one of Carter’s buddies from high school? It all seemed too good to be true. Good thing he’d refused his sister’s invitation to join her and Gage for supper. Had he gone with them, he wouldn’t have bumped into Darcy. Carter was lucky to get a second chance with her, and he wasn’t going to blow it.

He glanced behind them and saw a man following at a leisurely pace with his cell phone stuck to his ear. Carter’s heart dropped. The guy broke out in a wide smile while he laughed and listened to the caller.

Questions rolled through his mind as Darcy kept pace beside him. Was the rude man Darcy’s date? He certainly hoped not. She deserved someone much more attentive than that jerk.

“You need to see Darcy’s dad’s truck,” Derek told Carter.

“I heard about it, but I haven’t seen a photo yet.”

“Oh, I have one here somewhere.” Darcy pulled her phone from her fancy purse and stood still, scrolling through photos.

Carter moved closer to her, and the flowery scent of her shampoo or possibly her lotion filled his nostrils and made his senses spin.

“Here we go.” She held out the phone for him to see. “My dad sent me this one after he cleaned it a few weeks ago. It’s his baby.”

Carter gave a low whistle as he took in the beautifully restored classic truck. “Too bad he didn’t bring it here tonight. I’d love to see it in person.”

“I’ll have to find out if he plans to take it to any car shows.” She slipped her phone into her pocket.

Haven divided a look between Carter and Darcy. “If he does, then the four of us will have to meet up at the show.” An unspoken conversation passed between the women before Darcy smiled at Carter.

They started down the street, and Darcy stayed by Carter’s side while they all pointed out their favorite cars. Derek and Carter also got caught up on their lives, and Derek talked about his work as a software engineer at a consulting firm in Charlotte. Carter wasn’t surprised Derek had an impressive job since he’d always talked about going to college. He was successful and already owned a home. Carter was happy for his friend, but he clearly didn’t fit into Darcy’s or Derek’s worlds.

When they came to Treasure Hunting Antique Mall, Darcy turned to him, her expression bright. “Do you like antiques?”

“Sure.” He shrugged. “A couple of my high school classmates own this place. Christine and Brent Nicholson.”

“No kidding! I love this store. I found an antique mirror for my living room the last time I was here with Haven.” She took Carter’s hand and yanked him toward the door, and he enjoyed the feeling of her warm skin against his.

He allowed her to steer him through the aisles. Together the four of them investigated booths full of furniture, records, clothes, jewelry, tools, and knickknacks.

“Where’s Mason?” Haven asked as she perused a stack of old magazines and comic books.

Derek pressed his lips together. “Would you believe he’s still on his phone? I have no idea why he agreed to come tonight.”

Carter snuck a peek over at Darcy. “Is Mason your boyfriend?” A sarcastic peal of laughter burst from her lips, and he smiled along with her. “I’ll take that as a no.”

“Blind date.” Darcy leaned closer to him and lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “Haven and Derek have taken it upon themselves to find me a boyfriend. So far they’ve struck out. This guy has been the rudest of all.”

Carter nodded slowly, basking in her flowery scent. So she was single after all.

They wandered out of the store, and Haven pointed toward Heather’s Books ’N’ Treats across the street. “Want to go look at the books?”

“Not really.” Derek shook his head. “I’m in the mood for ice cream.”

“I’m always in the mood for ice cream,” said Darcy. She looked up at Carter. “How about you?”

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