Page 11 of Finding You

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“Not really.” His lips twitched. “That was a joke.”

“Oh!” Haven laughed.

Darcy grinned as she set her laptop bag on the floor and then touched Haven’s arm. “Carter Donovan, this is Haven Morrisette.”

“Thank you for not leaving my best friend stranded today,” Haven said.

“It was no problem at all.” Carter turned his attention to Darcy. “How’d your presentation go?”

A ribbon of warmth unfurled deep inside of Darcy as she took in the sincerity in Carter’s eyes. “It went great, and my boss and the board members were really impressed. Thanks for asking.” She pulled her wallet from her purse and retrieved her credit card. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your help today.”

He handed her an invoice. “I’m just glad I could get it fixed for you.”

Darcy perused it and then handed him her card. “My car looks clean. Did you wash it?”

“I just took it through the car wash down at the gas station while I had it out on a test drive.”

“I didn’t see a charge for that on the bill.”

He shook his head. “It’s on the house.”

Out of the corner of her eye, Darcy spotted her best friend grinning, and she ignored her. “Thank you, Carter.” When he set her receipts and card in front of her, she signed one receipt and handed it to him. “I’ll recommend this place to all of my friends.”

“We appreciate your business. Call or text me if you have any trouble.”

“I will.” She stuck her card and receipt in her purse and then shouldered her laptop bag.

He handed her the key fob. “Be safe going home.”

“You too.” She mentally kicked herself for not thinking of something better to say as she walked with Haven toward the door.

Haven bumped Darcy’s shoulder as they crossed the parking lot. “You should totally text him. Maybe you can disconnect your battery and then say, ‘Come and rescue me again, Carter!’”

“Shh!” Darcy spun toward the door, hoping he hadn’t overhead her friend. Thankfully, he was nowhere in sight. “He’s probably married.”

Haven’s pink lips lifted in a wicked grin. “I’m sure his wife enjoys him if he is.”

“Stop it,” Darcy hissed. Then she pulled Haven in for a hug. “But thanks again for the ride.”

“You know I’d help you anytime, and you would do the same for me.” Haven’s expression became serious. “I’m so glad your kidney numbers are great. I worry about you.”

“Thank you for worrying about me, but I promise I’m fine. I’m always careful to keep up with medications and appointments. My goal is to do what I’m supposed to so I stay healthy. I’ll see you soon, Haven.”

“Yes, you will.” Her best friend strutted toward her SUV.

Darcy unlocked her car and set her bag and purse on the passenger seat. She glanced up as Carter stepped outside and locked the shop door. He waved, and she waved back before climbing into her car.

As she nosed her car toward the parking lot exit, she wondered if she’d ever have a good reason to see Carter Donovan again.


An appetizing whiff of spices filled Carter’s senses as he stepped into Shauna’s kitchen later that evening.

Still dressed in her pink Disney princess scrubs, Shauna delivered a platter of taco shells to the table while Gage brought over a tray containing ground beef and all the fixings.

“Oh, you made my favorite,” Carter said while scrubbing his hands at the sink.

Shauna grinned at him. “Anything for my favorite baby brother.”

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