Page 12 of Finding You

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Although they shared the same dark eyes, he’d always thought his sister resembled their mother with her dark-brown hair, button nose, and tall and slender stature. From all accounts, he’d been told he looked like their father with his light-brown hair and height, but he didn’t like to think about that. He didn’t want to be anything like their absent dad.

Carter brought three glasses of soda to the table and sank down into his usual seat across from Shauna. He was proud of his sister, who had put herself through school to live out her dream of becoming a pediatric registered nurse. “How was work?”

Shauna took a sip of her drink. “It was busy. You know it’s the start of allergy season, so we saw patients all day long.” She held her finger up. “Oh, we did have one interesting case.”

“Do tell,” Gage said as he picked up his glass of Coke.

“A little boy decided to eat a ball bearing.”

Gage grunted, and Carter lifted his eyebrows.

“What did Dr.Moore say to do for him?” Carter asked.

“She said it’ll pass on its own.”

Carter laughed.

Gage grimaced before turning his attention to Carter. “How’d it go after I left? And did your damsel in distress pick up her car?”

“I worked on that Hyundai.” Carter added salsa, shredded cheese, and sour cream to his taco. “And, yes, she got her car.”

Shauna held up her left hand, her small diamond ring glittering in the kitchen light. “Whoa now. Damsel in distress? You’re not going to sneak that one past me. I want details.”

Carter explained about Darcy and the car.

Shauna’s eyes widened. “Oh my goodness! I completely forgot you had a checkup today. How did it go?”

Carter swallowed a bit of taco and wiped his mouth with a paper napkin. “Fine.”

“Your numbers are good?” Shauna’s eyes scrutinized him, looking for any signs of a lie.

“Yes, Nurse Shauna,” he insisted. “My numbers are great. Dr.Brenner doesn’t want to see me for another six months.”

“Wonderful!” Shauna reached across the table to pat her brother’s hand. “Now—back to this damsel in distress. Was she pretty?”

Carter sighed and took another bite of taco.

“Do you think she liked you?” His sister leaned forward as if Carter were one of her girlfriends sharing juicy secrets.

Carter shrugged. “She was friendly, and we had a nice chat on the way to her office.”

“You should ask her out.”

Carter looked to Gage for help, but his brother-in-law kept his eyes focused on his plate while he scooped refried beans with his spoon.

“Don’t look at Gage.” Shauna wagged a finger at him. “You know I’m right. If you liked her, then you should ask her out.” She tilted her head. “Did you get her number?”

Gage finally looked up. “Of course he did. He had to send her the estimate.”

“Thanks, man,” Carter groused.

Gage shared a winning smile. “No problem, brother.”

“Text her, Carter.” Shauna’s expression became serious, and he felt his shoulders stiffening in preparation for another one of her lectures. “I know Gabby hurt you, but that was three years ago. You’re well now, and it’s time you put yourself out there.”

His lips flattened into a straight line in response to his ex-girlfriend’s name.

Yeah, no.

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