Page 10 of Finding You

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“There’s not much to tell really. He’s a mechanic and he fixed my car.” Darcy stowed her phone in her pocket. “I’d rather you tell me more middle school stories. Were there any food fights in the cafeteria today?”

Haven lifted one of her perfectly shaped strawberry-blonde eyebrows. “Nice deflecting, Larsen. I, for one, can’t wait to meet Carter.” She merged into the right lane, preparing to exit. “But I’ve also been dying to tell you that Derek has someone for you to meet.”

Darcy couldn’t stop her glower. Haven and her boyfriend constantly tried to set her up on blind dates, and they’d proved to be one disastrous evening after another. “I’m not in the mood for a blind date.”

“This guy is different.”

“Sure he is,” Darcy deadpanned. “Different from the guy you set me up with who talked about Star Wars the entire night and kept showing me photos of himself in costumes at sci-fi conventions? Or different from the one who showed me pictures of his five grandchildren? Or how about the man who never let me get a word in edgewise? Or the one who had a tan line on his ring finger?”

Haven negotiated the exit ramp and stopped at a light before holding up her hand. “I’m sorry about those dates, but I promise this will be different.”

“How can you guarantee that?”

Haven’s smile faded, and Darcy braced herself for a lecture. “Darce, you really need to keep an open mind. It’s time for you to start dating again, okay? Derek insists this guy is great.”

Darcy sighed. She knew Darcy’s longtime boyfriend, Derek, was a good guy. After Jace died, he and Haven brought her meals, listened while she cried, checked on her daily, drove her to appointments, and literally held her up at the funeral. Even months later, when other friends had gone back to their normal lives, Haven and Derek continued to be Darcy’s emotional support. She was thankful that Haven had such a wonderful man in her life. Hopefully she would have a relationship like theirs someday.

“Fine,” Darcy grumbled. “I’ll go on the blind date.”

“Yay! We’re going to have so much fun. I love double dates. I just know it will be a blast.”

Darcy’s eyes narrowed as she looked over at her best friend. “He’d better not have a wife and family.”

Haven shook her head and turned onto Main Street in Flowering Grove. “He doesn’t. Derek said this guy is single and has been for a while.”

Darcy took in the stores lining Main Street and smiled. “I love this little town.”

“Me too. Derek loved growing up here.”

The sign for Barton Automotive came into view, and Haven steered into the lot in front of a one-story cinderblock building with six garage bays and a glass front boasting the business’s name and logo.

Darcy saw her Lexus parked in front of the building, and it seemed to glisten in the sunlight. “Looks like my car got a much-needed bath.” She gathered up her laptop bag and purse, noting the time on Haven’s dashboard. “It’s after six now. I feel awful for making him stay late for me.”

“From as nice as you’ve made him sound, I doubt he minds. After all, he said he’d wait.”

They crossed the parking lot to the entrance. When Darcy pulled open the front door, a bell rang and the smell of rubber hit her. She took in displays of tires that led to a long counter. Carter sat behind it, flipping through a magazine.

When he smiled, Darcy couldn’t help but notice how handsome he was with his chiseled cheekbones, angular jaw, and those dark-brown eyes.

Haven made an appreciative noise under her breath.

You got that right. She did her best to ignore her thoughts as they approached him.

Just then a large gray tabby cat came bounding toward them while singing a chorus of meows. Darcy crouched to pet the cat’s head. The feline responded with a loud purr that reminded her of a car engine.

“That’s Smoky,” Carter announced. “He’s our unofficial shop manager and mascot.”

“Hi there, Smoky.” Darcy began rubbing his ear, and the cat lifted his head higher while closing his eyes.

Haven bent down and stroked his back. “It’s a shame he’s not friendly,” she quipped.

Suddenly bored with the affection, Smoky took off behind a tower of tires.

Darcy moved to the counter. “I’m so sorry I’m late.”

“Honestly, it’s not a big deal. My only plans were to watch reality TV.”

“You watch reality TV?” Haven’s expression held a mixture of shock and fascination.

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