Page 31 of Dirty Pleasures

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Was the moon not a supernatural being?

Or even our flying in the plane to get here, a clear example of magic.

Sure, scientists attached grand words like gravity, biology, and physics to explain such things, but in the end, there was still that out-of-this world component.

Who created gravity and put it here?

What was before physics and biology?

What was before us and this planet?

Even if I turned to Christianity, there were certainly accounts of supernatural events.

Jesus performed many miracles—turning water into wine, walking on water, healing the sick, and resurrecting the dead.

These events were described as miracles—acts of divine intervention—rather than magic.

However, one could argue that the distinction between a miracle and magic was largely a matter of perspective and interpretation.

In fact, if we took a step back and redefined what magic truly meant, we all might find that it permeated our daily lives more than we ever imagined.

Can magic occur with my mouse?

I looked back at Emily.

Her face was still blank, her eyes staring out into the swamp.

Tension gathered in my shoulders. “Mysh?”

She blinked and looked at me. “Yes, baby.”

I smiled at her use of baby. “What do you need from me? Say it. Anything.”

“You’re already giving me what I need, Kaz. You brought me here.”

“But is that enough?”

“I hope so.” She swallowed. “I’m not sure what Delphine has planned for me or how she can heal me, so. . .we’ll see.”

“Baba talked about my needing to get items to help you.”

“How do you feel about that?”

A fiery determination blazed in my chest. “Whatever you need, I will get.”

“But. . .it was something about the way Baba said it.”

I tilted my head to the side. “What do you mean?”

“Why can’t other people get the stuff? It seemed like you had to be the person to do it.”

“If it needs to be me, then I’m fine with that.”

“I don’t like the idea of your being away from me getting shit.”

“Mysh, you are the rhythm that makes my heartbeat, the song that soothes my soul.”

A warm smile spread across her face. “Kaz, don’t make me cry.”

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