Page 30 of Dirty Pleasures

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Her trauma.

And as much as I wanted to take it all from Emily myself, she would have to be the one to truly get rid of it.

Will this help her?

Suddenly, the SUV pulled onto a narrow, gravel road.

On one side of the road a deep, green sea stretched out before us. It was a mess of moss-caked cypress trees and mud.

“Ooo.” Paolo tapped the window. “Ocean.”

I turned back to him. “No. That is a swamp.”

He blinked. “Swamp.”

Tall cypress trees adorned with drapes of Spanish moss stood like stoic guardians of this mysterious wilderness.

We must be close.

Terror washed through me.

I considered what Jean-Pierre had told me about Delphine.

Apparently, she was born into a long line of voodoo practitioners. When she was a kid, she was taken from her mother and raised by her grandmother.

Something about a kid dying in her class.

Once her grandmother passed, Delphine inherited her grandmother’s house and began providing voodoo services to many. Over time, her reputation grew, and she was now the most sought-after figure in the New Orleans criminal underworld.

In fact, he had added that many nicknamed Delphine the Bayou Banshee. However, people didn’t say that to her face.

I frowned.

That nickname triggered a shiver.

Jean-Pierre’s words sounded in my head.

“People claim that she has extraordinary power, and one of those things is to create haunting, otherworldly sounds that can disorient and strike fear into the hearts of her enemies.”

But, how much of that was bullshit?

I hoped bringing my family here was the right thing to do. Yet, this talk of voodoo and other world power shoved me on edge.

I dealt in the world of guns, death, and explosions.

That was my reality.

Of course, I knew that our reality held more things beyond what I could see. It was why I always consulted Baba.

Any logical person could admit that magic was melded within nature. Every day, the sun rose and set in a show of colors and light. Was that not magic?

The Earth rotated, and we all simply accepted it as reality, not supernatural. But, the deep-thinkers knew that our very reality was all supernatural.

Flowers bloomed.

Caterpillars metamorphosed into butterflies.

All magical.

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