Page 32 of Dirty Pleasures

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“I would move mountains for you if need be or at least blow them up. If I have to get something for you to heal, I will do it.”

“I love you, baby.”

“I love you too.”

The SUV slowed down its speed.

Paolo shrieked. “Big Lizards, mysh!”

Emily and I snapped our view that way.

Outside of the window, two alligators lazily sunned themselves on a muddy bank.

Emily chuckled. “Those are alligators, baby.”

Paolo widened his eyes and glanced at her. “Nice?”

“No, baby. I wouldn’t say that they are nice. Very bad lizards.”

“Oh no.” Paolo turned back to the window.

I returned my attention to my mouse. “If you get scared or uncomfortable and want to leave for any reason, tell me. We will get out of here. Do you understand?”

“Kaz, I’m not leaving until Lunita is gone.”

Pressure built in my chest.

And then we turned down a rocky dirt path.

Paolo giggled. “House, mysh.”

I checked what he was looking at.

An old Victorian house painted in yellow with white trim loomed ahead. Two large bay windows decorated the front. A massive porch wrapped around the front of the house.

And on that porch, several Black men stood, holding machetes and guns. Each man was built like a fortress—tall, broad-shouldered, muscular, and imposing.

They glared at our approaching vehicles with fierce unblinking eyes.

I spoke through clenched teeth, “We should not have brought the kids.”

“We didn’t come here to fight, Kaz.”

“I do not like the way they are looking at us.”

“They don’t know us like that. It’s fair game when you are riding onto Black people’s property. It is what it is. You’re going to get mean-mugged.”

I snapped my view to her. “Mean-mugged?”

She grinned. “It’s a slang term for when people are staring at you in an aggressive way.”

“I will need to explain to them that the Lion does not like to be mean-mugged.”

“Relax.” She raised Emilio and kissed his forehead. “This is just an initial visit for all of us to feel each other out.”

“I have been on my best behavior, mysh.”

“Kaz, you would have slapped Rafael, if you wasn’t holding Emilio.”

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