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“Are you okay?” Lucy asked.


He loves her. I knew that. Calm down.

Yet, the pain in my chest remained.

“All of our apartments are on this floor.” Lucy wrapped her arm around my waist. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

I nodded.

A long hallway with silver walls and carpet stood before me. Two white doors were on the right with a black number in the center. On the left were another pair of white doors with black numbers.

“Mayor Oshane was so afraid someone would sneak in and kill him that he had these apartments built. Each day between Monday and Friday he slept in a different apartment,” Lucy said.

“What did he do on the weekends?”

“He left the country.” She pointed to the first door. “Dawn’s apartment is number one. Wendy is door two. I’m three and you’re four.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Where’s Chase’s apartment?”

“On the third floor. His door has a number five on it.”

I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I didn’t like how things were set up and could imagine Chase sitting up in his apartment like some king elevated over his females as we hung out in our apartment like good girls, waiting for him to attend to us.

Oh my god! What am I doing?

“You look like you’re going to vomit.” Lucy released me. Concern etched her face. She pressed a red button on the wall.

“Yes,” a woman’s voice sounded from a speaker next to the buzzer.

“I need Mabel to give Jasmine her key. I also need some Pepto and something for an upset stomach.”

“Yes, ma’am,” the woman replied.

“I’m okay,” I said.

“No. You’re not.”

I combed my fingers through my hair.

Am I just a number four?

“Why the numbers? Did Chase decide this?”

“No. Dawn thought it would be fun to have everyone numbered in the order they came into the relationship.”

“It sounds like she wants everyone to know their rank.”

Lucy averted her eyes. “Well that too, but not in a mean way. Dawn isn’t catty.”

A black woman scurried up the stairs with a key.

“This is Mabel.” Lucy pointed to the black woman. “She’s your assigned maid.”

Mabel smiled and handed me a solid black key. On the top of the key, white gems formed a four. I gazed back at Mabel. Her gray hair was tied into a bun on top of her head. She had eyes like my grandma, dark brown with a liquid effect.

“Are all the maids black?” I blurted out.

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