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“Maybe I can move in tomorrow.”

“No. Then Chase will do something else crazy that will piss all of us off.” Lucy guided me to the house. I tried my best to not watch Chase and Dawn’s arguing as they screamed and walked off in another direction.

“Don’t worry. They’ll do that for an hour or so.” Lucy shrugged. “There’s a garden around back, near the batting cage. They usually argue there.”

Poor flowers.

“Why do they argue in the garden?”

“When Chase gets really mad he likes to go to the batting cage and hit balls, but Dawn always stops him from going in so they yell in the garden .”

“O-Kay.” I chewed the inside of my cheek.

We stepped into the house. A large foyer greeted me, with a huge staircase in front. Mailboxes with labels numbered one through five were on my left.

“So do you know much about the founder of Oshane City?” Lucy asked.

I shook my head.

“Well, old man Oshane used to own this property and live here. He was really paranoid that somebody was trying to kill him so he had five apartments built into his mansion.” Lucy moved to the double doors on the right side of the staircase and opened them. “This leads to the living room and dining area. It’s where Chase and Dawn entertain people.”

“Just Chase and Dawn?” I peered in.

“Yeah. If we want to entertain guests, Dawn prefers we do it in our apartment or somewhere else.”

The living room was as big as the apartment I shared with Vivian and decorated in cream and silver. I was about to enter the area and drink in the elegance until I spotted the oil painting over the fireplace.

It was of Chase and Dawn embracing and gazing into each other’s eyes. They looked younger, as if the portrait had been painted several years ago.

My stomach burned with envy.

I hugged myself and rushed away.

“You want to see the dining room?” Lucy smiled.

“No,” I muttered. “It doesn’t seem like I’ll be down here much anyway.”

“Yeah. When Chase and Dawn’s friends come over they usually hold their dinner parties here.” Lucy gestured for me to climb the stairs. “There are also guest rooms for their friends on the first level. If people stay, Wendy and I usually just go on a trip or something.”

So they hide you. Of course. What did I think would happen?

“So if his parents come over or anything?” I asked.

“Well, Chase’s mother was killed when he was seven, but when his dad or other family visits Wendy and I stay away.” Lucy glanced over her shoulder. “That’s the same with Dawn’s family.”

“So what happens when our family comes to visit?”

Lucy gave me a weird smile. “They wouldn’t come here. Dawn prefers for us to entertain them somewhere else. Chase goes with us wherever the meeting spot is.”

“So basically we’re glorified mistresses?”

Lucy paused at the top of the stairs. “You have to understand how hard this is for Dawn. Chase and she have been together since they were fourteen. I’ve been close with Chase forever and the few times he wanted to break up he just couldn’t do it. He loves her so much.”

I drowned in jealousy. Pain sliced through my heart like a sharp knife in the hands of a serial killer.

Of course he loves her.

My blood rushed. My hands shook. I focused on breathing as I hoped I wouldn’t get an anxiety attack.

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