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Lucy’s mouth dropped open. “Y-yes.”

Mabel’s smile remained. She took my hand and gently squeezed it. “So how do you feel now?”

“Worse.” Rage coursed through my veins. My heart beat so fast I thought I would collapse.

Why am I so mad? Why do I care if the maid is black or . . .

Tears spilled from my eyes. Mabel hurried and opened my door. I wiped the tears away, tried to get a hold of myself, and stepped into the living room. My body froze once I spotted the furniture.

Holy shit. He must’ve hacked into my computer somehow.

Last month, during my job search phase, I would play online to pass the time while I waited for callbacks or email responses from interviews. I’d spent many hours on an online game called “House Design” where the person could create and plan a make believe place to live in. Standing in the apartment Chase provided for me, my living room captured my online game’s design to every small detail.

“How did he get into my computer?” I asked.

“Someone did it for him. It was during the process of learning about you,” Lucy said.

A shaggy plum carpet rested on the floor. A chocolate brown couch and loveseat surrounded a black coffee table which was done up in four inch cubes that jutted in and out in an elaborate design. An oil painting of my favorite fantasy characters hung on the wall above my couch.

I knew before I checked that a flat screen TV was on the wall across from the couch. Framed photos of my mom, nieces, brothers, Benny, and Vivian all sat on a shelf. On the other shelf were loads of candles.

Goodness. He even figured out I have an addiction to scented candles.

“Where did the photos come from?” I asked.

“I don’t know.” Lucy shrugged. “Chase works with a team to put our apartments together. My place was different. We designed it together.”

“Why?” I watched Mabel go into an all-white kitchen.

Pictures of sunflowers hung everywhere. A huge amber vase full of sunflowers stood on the counter by the sink.

He even learned my favorite flower.

“I think there’s medicine in this cabinet.” Mabel opened it.

“Well, decorating my place was different because of my past. Some of the tiniest reminders of my life can take me to a . . . place I don’t want to go,” Lucy admitted. “So he wanted to make sure nothing freaked me out.”

“You and Chase have been close for a long time?” I stood in the middle of this apartment, not ready to sit down or move in too much. The experience was too unsettling. I felt like my private life had been invaded. Sure Chase’s intentions were good, maybe, but it was too much for me.

“Our fathers were friends,” Lucy mumbled. “But I don’t want to talk about that.”

I faced her. “Okay.”

Lucy stared at the floor.

“You said Chase’s mother was killed. How?”

“No one knows.” Lucy’s fingers shook. “Chase found her.”

“Oh my god.” I covered my mouth. “So—”

“I don’t want to talk about any of this.” Lucy lifted her head. “Today is already a bit depressing with everyone fighting and being pissed. We can talk about it another day.”

“I could only find Tylenol,” Mabel called out from the kitchen. “There’s ginger ale in the fridge. That could help.”

I waved her away. “No thanks. I think I’d rather have a drink.”

“There’s no liquor in here,” Mabel said.

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