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AlleyCat spins on her heels and leaves us. Derange is watching me and Aftermath. Aftermath is watching AlleyCat leave. He stands up and walks out of the room without a word to me or Derange. My heart drops to my toes but I pull up my big girl panties and act like it doesn’t affect me.

“When can I move to my room?” I ask. I need to get to my cell phone as soon as possible and make a call.

“Let me remove these and I’ll help you up there since Dick-fuck left. I’m going to have to pull his head out of his ass.” Derange grumbles, removing the sticky tape and monitors from me.

“It’s fine, Derange. I don’t want anyone to fight over me and if he wants to do what he does one last time with his latest fuck, then I really don’t care.” My words are strong but inside I’m crumbling.

I really need to talk to my dad right now. He’d know what to do. Even though I haven’t spoken to him since I’ve been missing, I feel like I’m healed enough to finally talk to him. He always knows what I need to hear.

Derange helps me from the bed and together we walk to my room. It’s a slow process and we have to go through the Commons room. There’s a party going on here, celebrating Aero’s departure from this Chapter. I spot AlleyCat dancing between Aero and Trigger. She waves and winks at me before giving them her attention, which they’re soaking up. At least Aftermath isn’t with her, for now. I don’t know if I could control myself if I seen them together.

Jezebelle and Danyella spots us slowly walking through and they come up to us. “Do you need any help?” Danyella asks.

“If you want to help Kensi up to her room and get her settled, I’d appreciate it. I need to find Dick-fuck and kick his ass.” Derange says to Danyella.

“No problem, Derange. We’ll get her up there and settled.” Danyella agrees.

“Thank you, Derange. But I don’t need you to kick his ass. He’s not in that room and I’m good with that. Like I said before, I don’t need anyone fighting over me.” I try to stop him, but he’s not listening.

Derange kisses Jezebelle on the head, then kisses her swollen belly. She’s pregnant with their first child and a pain of longing erupts in my chest. I want that. I want a doting, strong man to take care of me and make sure I’m happy. I want a man who will give me the world, while burning it down if someone tries to hurt me.

I make it up to my room with only having to stop a couple of times when sharp pain hits my side. Danyella and Jezebelle help me into bed and I’m exhausted. I need to call my dad though.

“Can you hand me my cell phone?” I ask.

Danyella hands it to me and Jezebelle comes into my room with a bottle of water and some pills.

“Here, take these. It’ll help with the pain.” Jezebelle holds out her hand and I take them. “It’s ibuprofen. If you need something stronger, I’ll get it, but these should do the trick and let you rest.”

“Thank you, Jezebelle. I appreciate both of you ladies helping me. I think I’m going to sleep now.” I lay down and close my eyes, exhaustion taking over.

“We’ll let you get some sleep and check on you in a little while. Aerial and Nina would like to see you when you’re ready. They've been worried about you, but I told them you’ll be OK.” Danyella informs me.

I smile, “I’d like to see them too. I miss those two feisty little girls. If I’m feeling better in the morning, I’d love to have them visit.”

“You got it. I’ll hold them off for a while.” Danyella smiles.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Danyella turns off my room light, leaving only the light on my nightstand on. She shuts the door behind her and Jezebelle.

I wait a few minutes before I pick up my phone. I hover over the call button working up the courage to click the button. He’s my dad and probably worried sick about me. If his department had listened to me in the first place, I wouldn’t have been taken. But if I wasn’t taken, I wouldn’t have met these guys who are a big part of who I am now.

I inhale a deep breath and hit dial. The phone rings a couple of times before my dad’s deep, gruff voice comes over the line. “Special agent Donovan.”

“Dad?” I whisper.

“Kensi, is that you?” He chokes out the words.

“Yeah, dad it’s me.” Tears are streaming down my face just hearing his voice.

“Are you OK? Where are you?” The relief in his voice makes me cry harder.

“I’m OK, dad. Listen, I need your help and please don’t tell me your hands are tied like last time.” I plead.

“Kensi, I’m so sorry. I wish I would have listened to you and regret every day that I didn’t. My hands were tied and since you’ve been missing, I found out why. Where are you so we can talk face to face.” My dad pleads with me.

Do I tell him where I am and bring the FBI to the Clubhouse or do I talk to Aftermath first? I don’t know what to do.

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