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Chapter 6


Sharp pain shoots through my side, waking me. I try to move but the burning sensation stops me. Warm hands envelop mine, bringing me comfort. I slowly open my eyes, the blurriness adjusting to the dim lighting. I move my head toward the warm hand and blink a few times. Am I going crazy or seeing what I’m really seeing? Aftermath is slumped in a chair right next to me, holding my hand, sound asleep. How is he here? Why is he here? Last time I knew, he was on a run and I was at the strip club.

Memories of what happened come flooding back. Me going into the club, Nadia’s things gone and her disappearing. Josiah coming into the dressing room and attacking me. His knife sinking into my skin repeatedly. I remember being dragged through the dressing room and dumped somewhere before I passed out from the pain. I’ve got to get out of here and find Nadia. My heart starts to race, making the monitors attached to me, beep like crazy.

Derange comes into the room, acting confident but he can’t mask the worry in his eyes. I don’t want pity. I want to find Nadia. Aftermath sits up fast and blinks a few times before realizing I’m awake.

“Kensi,” my name crossing Aftermath’s lips sounds like heaven.

“How are you feeling?” Derange asks me, checking my vitals.

“Sore but fine. What's the diagnosis, doc?” I return his question with one of my own.

Derange snorts before speaking. “You’ve lost a lot of blood and we had to give you two transfusions. We stitched up your side and there doesn't seem to be any irreversible damage done. You need to stay on bed rest for a few days and let your stitches heal.”

“No, I can’t.” I argue.

“You don’t have a choice,” Aftermath growls.

I narrow my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. “I do have a choice and you don’t tell me what I can and can’t do. You’re not my boss or my parent.”

Aftermath’s nose flairs and his eyes meet mine. Anger and lust radiating from their depths and I’m spellbound. He leans in close enough, I can smell leather and exhaust fumes. “You don’t have a choice, Kensi. You are required to stay in bed and rest. If I catch you up, I will bend you over my knee and redden your ass.”

I swallow hard. “Maybe I want you too.” If he wants to try and persuade me using sex, then so can I.

Derange clears his throat, drawing my attention to him and away from Aftermath. “There will be absolutely no spanking while my patient is recovering. And you, Kensi. You will not be getting out of this bed unless you have to use the bathroom for another couple of days.”

“Uh!” I sigh in frustration. I’m not going to win this one, but I can use it to my advantage. “Fine, but I want to recover in my room, not in here.”

“That can be arranged.” Derange agrees, shocking Aftermath and me.

“You can’t move her.” Aftermath argues.

“Watch me, SAA.” Derange challenges. He opens the door and shouts down the hallway. “AlleyCat. I need you in here.”

Shit, I didn’t think this through. AlleyCat is the last person I want to see now that I know I want Aftermath. The last thing I want or need is competition from other women.

“You hollered, Derange?” AlleyCat asks, sauntering into the room. Her hips swaying to the beat of her own music. I’ve always liked her but now that I know I want Aftermath and she’s had him, the green monster is coming out.

“Yes, until you leave, I would like you to check on Kensi every few hours.” Derange orders.

Aftermath perks up a little bit, confusion on his face. “Where are you going?”

AlleyCat gives him a tight smile. “It’s time for a change. What I want and what I need aren’t cutting it here anymore. So, when Aero leaves for Atlantic City, I’ve asked if I can tag along and he agreed.”

“When do you leave?” I ask. I'm sad she’s going but thankful because I won’t have to fight with her. What is wrong with me? I shouldn’t be wishing someone left so they’re not competition. That’s not who I am and I don’t like it.

“Tomorrow night. Jameson wants him in A.C. as soon as possible.” AlleyCat replies, looking at Aftermath with longing and sadness in her eyes.

Aftermath doesn’t even blink. He just sits there with no expression on his face, which is driving me nuts. Either he is sad she’s going because he wants her to stay or he is relieved she’s going because he doesn’t want her. Not this blank, no emotion expression on his face.

I draw AlleyCat’s attention back to me, “I’m sorry to see you go, but understand why. Sometimes people are in your life for a reason and some in your life for a season. Besides you’ve done more for me than anyone here and I’m thankful for you, even if I only had you for a season.”

AlleyCat genuinely smiles at me. “That’s a great way to look at things. And I’ll be happy to keep you company before I go. I just need to pack up the rest of my things and do some stuff here and there.”

“Sound’s good. I’ll see you in a little while.” I acknowledge.

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