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“Kensi, please. You’re all I have left.” My dad breaks down on the phone. I’ve never heard him this broken before.

I make up my mind. “Get on the next flight to LAX and I’ll arrange a ride from there.”

“You’re in California? How the hell did you get across the country?” He asks, confused.

“I’ll explain when you get here. Listen, I have to go, but let me know when you’ll be here.”

“I’ll be on the next flight.”

“See you soon, dad. I love you.”

“I love you too, Lil Kay. Dad’s coming and I’ll make everything better.”

I hang up the phone before dad can say anything else.

“I hope so.” I whisper into the darkness.

Chapter 7


Fuck, I’m so screwed.

I left Kensi in the infirmary after hearing about Aero and AlleyCat leaving together and I know she thinks it’s because I have feelings for AlleyCat, but that’s far from the truth. AlleyCat is the last person on my mind and I couldn’t give a fuck if she’s leaving. I’m glad she is. She needs a fresh start.

I had to leave before I lost my shit on Kensi for trying to defy me and it turned me the fuck on. She’s too vulnerable right now for my overbearing ways. I’d hurt her and that’s the last thing I want to do. So here I am sitting outside at the fire pit with a beer in my hand and a fire burning before me.

“There you are,” Derange says, handing me another beer. He lights up a smoke and sits in the chair next to me. “You good, man?”

I take a long pull of my beer and think before answering. Am I good? The woman who I feel a possessive need for has been stabbed, hurt and who knows what else all while I’m wallowing in my own pity. “No, brother. I’m not. I’m fucked up and don’t deserve her, but I’ll be damned if I let anyone else have her.” I exhale a long breath. “I don’t know what to do.”

Capone comes out and joins us, “You’re going to man the fuck up, go up there and take what’s yours.”

Shocked, I ask, “Is that an order from my Prez?”

“Fuck you, Aftermath. That's a, get your panties out of your ass and be a man, order.” Capone flips me off. He leans forward, seriousness written on his face. “Don’t do what I did and waste so many years fighting against what God has put in your place. The moment I lost Danyella was the moment I knew I was screwed.” Capone doesn’t talk about what happened before Danyella was kidnapped and neither do we, but by the haunted look on his face tells me everything I need to know. Regret, anger, punishment, love and remorse cut him deeply.

“You’re right.” I answer.

“Fucking right he is.” This comes from Torch who I didn’t see come out. He takes a seat around the fire, followed by Aero, Red, Trigger, Dagger and Blayze. “That’s why he’s our Prez. The fucker knows shit about us before we know it.” It’s a fucking kumbaya tonight and their attention is on me this time.

“Aftermath, get the girl.” Trigger chimes in.

“Don’t wait. She’s what you need.” Red speaks up. His face turns a deep shade of red but there’s a sadness in his eyes I’ve never seen before.

Blayze leans forward, “Take it from me, Aftermath. You’ll regret waiting, especially if something happens to her.” He speaks the truth. After what happened to Monica, his advice is one of the few that means something.

I look around the fire and all my brothers are here to kick me in the ass and get me moving. This is a brotherhood that has each other’s backs no matter what. This is what family is. They’ll kick your ass when you’re wrong and help when you need it. And they’re all here to help me. I stand up from my chair, solidified on my next move. “I’m done fighting against what I want.”

“Go get her then.” Torch raises a beer toward me in a toast. Hoots and hollers ring through the air. “Once a Bastard, always a Royal Bastard.”

I’m moving fast through the Clubhouse and up to Kensi’s room. I quietly open the door and peek my head inside. She’s sound asleep with her lamp next to the bed on. The soft glow reflects off her perfect skin and my heart jumps in my chest watching her. The deep rising and falling of her chest, tells me she’s sleeping hard, which I can understand. She was stabbed and left for dead.

I’m an asshole and don’t give a shit though. I take what I want and I want Kensi. I want all of her, heart, body and soul. She wants this just as much as I do and I’m done waiting. I’m done fucking around and finding out.

I quietly shut and lock her door. Removing my cut, I place it on the hook on the back of her door. I don’t like it being that far away but we’re safe in here. I’ll have to have her moved to my room tomorrow but tonight, I just want to make her feel good. Tomorrow when she’s more recovered, she won’t know what hit her. I remove my boots, socks, jeans and shirt and drape them over the chair in the corner of the room. I might be a biker, but I’m not messy. Everything has a place in my world and Kensi’s place is by my side.

I slide under the covers and fit my front against Kensi’s back. My cock nestling against her ass and at full mast. She’s sleeping on her side that isn’t injured so I’m careful as I slide my arm around her body. I slide my hand up her tiny t-shirt and roll a nipple between my fingers. I kiss the side of her neck, making Kensi groan. She tries to lay on her back, but I don’t let her.

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