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“You finished?” Capone asks, cocking an eyebrow again, like he’s bored.

I nod my head, wipe the blood from my mouth and straighten my cut before taking my seat. “Please, fill me in on why sending Kensi into the lion’s den was such a good idea.” I spread my arms wide, waiting for an explanation.

“She asked me to send her in. It was either I authorize it and keep her safe or she goes in anyways, not giving a fuck about her safety.” Capone explains. “Silver Grace told us that there are missing girls every few days. They’re completely wiped out of the club, like they’ve never existed. Kensi is in there trying to find the missing girls and/or who is behind it. She has a few suspects but nothing concrete.”

“Why would she do this? What is it that makes her think she has to do this?” I ask confusion setting in.

“That will be a story she tells you, Aftermath, not me.” Capone shakes his head. “Go relieve Trigger at the back door of Foxy Ladies and bring your woman home.”

Once Capone dismisses us from Church, I do exactly what he says. I take my bike to Foxy Ladies and park around the corner, next to Trigger. His eyes grow wide when he sees me but then a smile graces his lips.

“Fucker, she’s going to be excited to see you,” Trigger says, climbing out of the truck.

“Fuck too she will. I’m going to redden that little ass so hard, she won’t be able to think straight for a week.” I growl. “What have you found out?”

Trigger is still grinning but tells me what’s been going on, the same thing Capone told me. “We also have a security check in place. If she calls me once and hangs up, she’s coming out. If she calls me twice and hangs up, she’s in trouble.”

I watch as his phone lights up with Kensi’s name flashing across it. “What does it mean if she doesn’t hang up?” I ask pointing to his phone.

Trigger grabs his phone to answer it. “Kensi, what’s wrong?” He puts it on the speakerphone so I can hear too. There isn’t much except harsh breathing and something being dragged. Voices are faded when I hear, “Get rid of the nosy bitch. Such a shame too. She would have made us a killing being a slut for the Royal Bastards.”

Shit. Whoever it is knows Kensi is one of us. So much for her being safe. Rage thrums through my body and I’m breaking down the door to the club. No one is stopping me and I shout for Kensi.

“Kensi! Where are you?” I don’t wait for an answer. I don’t even know if Trigger called for backup and I really don’t fucking care. Kensi is in trouble. She needs me.

I stop and listen for anything to tell me where she is. I hear shuffling coming from behind the stage and I move as fast as I can. When I get closer the noise stops. All I can hear is my heavy breathing and my heart hammering inside my chest. Kensi has to be here somewhere.

I spot a dark hallway behind the stage and head for it. Boots slapping against the wooden floor draws my attention away from the hallway and Trigger is coming toward me. His gun drawn, ready to put a bullet between whoever messed with Kensi. A slam of a door down the dark hallway takes my attention back to where I was heading. I move quickly and quietly toward the sound. Trigger is at my six and pulls out his phone, turning the flashlight on. We creep along the hallway, looking for anything that leads me to Kensi.

“Aftermath, look.” Trigger points to a trail of blood coming from underneath a door. I turn the knob and peek inside. It’s a dressing room and it looks like a fight broke out. Clothes are scattered all over the floor, makeup tables are overturned and there’s more blood scattered about. Whoever did this did a number on someone else.

I spot Kensi’s bag on the floor and quicken my pace. I pick it up and look it over. “This Kensi’s. She has to be here somewhere.”

“Aftermath, Trigger are you guys here?” Torch asks from the other room.

“In here, Torch.” I answer back.

Torch comes in the dressing room and let’s out a low whistle. “Damn, that’s a lot of blood. I see more down the hallway further back. No one is here. Not even Lattimer.”

“C’mon, let’s check it out.” I keep Kensi’s bag and follow the blood trail. It leads to the back door and stops. I open it and something heavy on the other side stops me from shoving it open. I push harder and it finally gives away. Stumbling out the door I practically trip over whatever was blocking it. “Shit.” Kensi is laying in a pool of her own blood and panic takes over.

“Trigger!” I shout. If anyone can save her, it’s him. The rumble of bikes in the distance can’t get here soon enough.

Trigger comes running out the back door and practically trips over Kensi and me. Her pulse is weak but steady as I cover her side, trying to stop the blood pouring from it.

“Fuck!” He pushes me out of the way and my world goes dark. I can’t lose her after I just found her.

More shuffling feet approach but I’m not paying attention to any of it. I hold Kensi’s hand, trying to soothe the turmoil thrumming through my body.

“Don’t you dare die on me, Kensi. Don’t you dare leave me.” The tremble in my voice breaks me. Her soft hand squeezes mine lightly and she opens her eyes.

“I’m not planning on it.” She closes her eyes and inhales a short breath.

“She’s stable for now, but I have to get her to the Clubhouse.” Trigger, Derange and Torch lift her lifeless body and move her to the black van, Bones the prospect brought. I follow behind in a daze.

Is this my punishment for all the bad shit I’ve done in my lifetime? I can’t lose her, not now. Not when I’ve finally stopped fighting my feeling for her. I’m exposed, drained and not ready to let Kensi go.

But if she dies, my life will no longer belong to me. It’ll be full of revenge in her honor.

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