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I signal to turn down the long driveway leading to the gates of our Clubhouse with the moon shining a path home. Bones sees us and opens it before we come to a complete stop. I roll through the gate and park my bike outside the garage. It needs to cool down before I put it inside. The Cali heat will fuck shit up quick. Tiny and Dagger park their bikes next to mine. We all climb off and head inside.

“I don’t know about you, but I could use some pussy, shower and food and it could be together.” Tiny grumbles, stretching is back.

Dagger slaps Tiny on the shoulders as he passes by making Tiny wince. “One day your pussy will fuck you up.” For being the Chaplin of our Chapter, Dagger swears worse than all of us. He’s a man of God but also repents for his and our sins daily. He believes he’s doing God’s work by taking down all these child molesters and rapists, but he is a man and any man needs an outlet. His is the language he uses and the pussy he sinks into each night.

“Fuck, bro.” Tiny complains, rolling his shoulder.

“You never could take a hit from him,” I tease.

Tiny flips me off. “His fists are made of steel, fucker.”

“Actually,” Dagger holds up his gloved hands, wiggling his fingers. “Only my palms are.” He laughs as I inspect his gloves. Sure enough, he has metal in the palm of his gloves. I’m sure there’s a dagger hidden in his gloves too. Hence his road name Dagger, his weapon of choice.

We step into the Commons room and Torch shouts over the loud music at us. “Hey, you’re back!” There’s a raging party in full swing but I’m not seeing Kensi or Trigger. The three of us walk further into the room. Daisy removes herself and a sleeping baby from Torch’s lap. Torch has another resting on his chest. Daisy had twins a few months ago. One they named Jaxson after Torch or also known as Jase and his twin brother Jax and a girl they named Mara Jean after Torch and Jax’s mom and sister who were killed in a house fire set by their older brother Razor.

The boy on Torch’s chest didn’t even stir when Torch stood up to greet us. The rest of the kids are nowhere in sight so maybe Kensi has them in the back somewhere. Usually when we have parties, she’d have a sleepover with the little ones to keep them entertained so the parents can have a break.

I head for the back and my mom stops me. She kisses me on the cheek. The bruises on her face are fading to a yellowish color, “She’s not here, baby.”

“What do you mean?” My heart drops. Did she finally wise up and leave?

“She’s been leaving every night and coming back around two a.m.” Silver Grace explains. “Talk to Capone before you do anything stupid, please.” She pleads.

My feet move in the direction of Capone and he stands up when he sees me coming. He doesn’t back down like most men do when they see the train coming. I’m in his face before I can stop myself. “Where is she?” I spit out through gritted teeth.

Capone doesn’t break eye contact with me, daring me to take it further. He nods his head to someone I can’t see and everyone’s attention is on us. “Turn the shit down, now!” Capone demands. The music stops in an instant and it’s deathly quiet. “Watch your tone, Aftermath. I’ve gutted men for less respect.”

I release a calming breath. This isn’t a war I want nor will I win. “Prez, where is she?” My tone is softer, not as accusing.

“Church, now,” Capone declares, still not answering my question. We all file into the chapel, putting our phones in the box and take our respective seats. There’s something else on Capone’s mind and I might have pissed him off enough to ignore my question and address whatever else there is first.

Capone begins pacing the room, his black eyes assessing each of us. “I was going to wait to do this but since I was rudely interrupted, now’s the time.” Capone’s gaze lands on me and he is scowling.

“I got a call from Jameson, our National Chapter, President.” Capone continues pacing until he passes each of us and then steps behind Aero. He grabs Aero’s shoulders roughly and squeezes them. “Do you know what he told me, Aero?”

“No, Prez.” Aero shakes his head. He’s sweating profusely.

“Stand up, Nomad.” Aero does as Capone says. “Remove your cut.” Aero’s eyes bulge out of his head but does what Capone says with no argument. Sadness etched in his eyes. “Pack your shit, fuckhead. You’ve been summoned to Atlantic City.”

“What the fuck, Prez. Are you serious?” Aero replies.

“As a fucking heart attack. It appears there’s a new Chapter starting up and you, you lucky son of a bitch, are their new President. If you accept Jameson’s offer you’ll leave first thing in the morning.” Capone holds out Aero’s new patches and slaps him on the back.

We all hoot and holler, slamming our fists on the table in celebration. Aero has a shit eating grin on his face as he turns to all of us and holds up his president patch and new bottom rocker.

Capone slams his gavel on the scarred table, bringing our attention back to him. “One last thing brothers. As you can see Aftermath is back and he’s asking where Kensi is.”

The chapel grows quiet and not a single person meets my eyes. “Where. Is. She?” My patience is running on thin ice.

“She’s with Trigger and safe.” Blayze speaks up.

“Where is she!” I scream and slam my fists on the table making it vibrate. If anything happens to her, I will gut every single person who stands in my way.

Capone cocks an eyebrow and lights up a cigarette. He exhales before answering me. “She’s currently working at Foxy Ladies. She’s undercover as a dancer, trying to find answers for the many women disappearing.”

I stand up so fast, I knock my chair over. I’m heading toward the door when Torch stops me. “Let me go, Torch. I don’t want to hurt you.” I’m shaking with rage.

“You’ll sit your sorry ass down, Aftermath, and hear our Prez out. Any lesser man would have a bullet in between his eyes for the disrespect you’ve shown since you’ve gotten back.” Torch grabs my leather cut and slams me onto the table. My breath exhales in a whoosh and I feel my back cracking all the way up my spine. Fuck, this dude is strong. I try to fight back but Torch has me in a headlock before I can catch my breath. Fuck, he’s one of the best Enforcers Royal Bastards has had in a long time. He’s quick on his feet and can bring even the strongest grown man to their knees in a heartbeat.

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