Page 61 of Deadly Devotion

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Her brown eyes soften. She’s been through hell and back this week. All I want to do is to take her in my arms and shield her from the pain. I’d do anything to make it better.

“I know,” she whispers, avoiding my gaze.

My eyes linger on her lips. Her soft, kissable lips are so addictive. Lips that steal men’s souls and have taken mine. An eyelash falls onto her cheek, and I use my pinkie finger to sweep it away. Surprisingly, she doesn’t shrink away or cringe at my touch.

“Eyelash,” I say.

After flicking it away, I don’t move my hand. Instead, I stroke her face, tracing along her cheekbone. She looks like she wants to say something and opens her mouth to talk when the doorbell rings, making us spring apart.

“They’re here,” she says. Any hint of emotion vanishes from her face. Ivy has gone, and the ex-Killers Club agent has taken her place. That’s who she needs to be tonight. “We need to go.”

Daisy and Hale stand in the hallway with the others when we arrive.

“Where’s Stephanie?” I ask, noting the lethal blonde bombshell’s absence.

“At HQ,” Daisy replies. “She’ll be letting us in.”

“Where’s Ivy?” Callen asks.

He looks around for the little girl, who he’s developed a soft spot for after his time as a babysitter.

“She’s with Maria tonight,” Daisy says. “They’re in a safe place.”

Beside me, Ivy tenses. She can’t relax when her sister is around.

“We’ll move as soon as dusk falls,” Hale says, launching straight into operations and planning. “Stephanie and Alaric are due to have a romantic date night at HQ.”

Callen nods in approval. “The ultimate cock-block.”

“Typical Stephanie,” Ivy mutters scathingly. “Sex and work go hand-in-hand.”

“We’ll be in and out fast,” Daisy says. “No one will know how Alaric died. We can stage his murder to make it look like an intruder was responsible.” She narrows her eyes at Callen. “It’s not the first time an enemy of the club has broken inside.”

Even though I haven’t slept properly for days, I feel more alert than ever. Adrenaline pumps through my body, and excitement hangs in the air. We’re going to put an end to this once and for all.

“What’s the backup plan?” Freddie asks, his mind whirring through many possibilities and scenarios.

“There isn’t one,” Daisy replies.

Freddie scratches his chin. “I don’t like that.”

“I don’t know how the Dukes usually conduct their business,” Hale says, draping his arm around Daisy’s shoulder protectively. “But we’ve never needed a backup plan before.”

Bram coughs mockingly as if to say, Yes, but this is Alaric we’re talking about. He knows that Alaric is a monster and has already briefed us to expect the unexpected. If Alaric gets a hint of what’s happening, we’re all in danger.

“We’ll split into groups to cover each entrance and go inside in stages,” Daisy says. “That will give us the best chance. Stephanie has already made sure we won’t be disturbed. She’s given all the other agents in the city jobs tonight, so, aside from Penelope—our tech who never leaves her office—the coast is clear, and Alaric is unprotected.”

Bram instantly gravitates to Ivy’s side, making it known he won’t be parted from her. Although I feel the same way, I still have to re-earn her trust.

“Bram and Ivy,” I say, delegating the Dukes into groups. “Callen, you’re with me. And Freddie, go with Daisy and Hale.”

“We work alone,” Hale hisses with a stormy scowl.

I’m not taking any chances. Dividing and conquering is a sound tactic, but we need someone on the inside if things go wrong. Besides, Ivy will want to ensure her sister is protected at all costs.

“I’ll be on my best behaviour,” Freddie promises, nodding in understanding. He’ll know my intentions.

“It’s fine,” Daisy says firmly, then murmurs to Hale, “Play nice.”

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