Page 62 of Deadly Devotion

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“At least we’re not lumped with pretty boy again,” Hale replies, narrowing his eyes at me.

“It’s time to rock and roll,” Callen declares, rubbing his hands together while a murderous smile lights up his face. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

“One last thing,” Hale says, taking tiny earpieces from his pocket. “Wear these. We need to hear what’s going on at all times.”

“Good luck,” I say.

I’m not saying goodbye. I refuse to. We’re all going to make it out alive. We have to. There’s no other way.



Ibob my knees up and down impatiently. My heightened adrenaline has nowhere to go as we listen to everything through our earpieces.

“At the door now,” Callen says. “It’s open. Going in.”

Seb and Callen are the first to enter HQ, despite Daisy and Hale’s initial insistence that they do it. I like to think that Seb’s argument to go first was because he wanted to protect Daisy, but it’s probably more to do with his natural suspicion about working together after my sister threatened to kill him.

Phase one is now complete.

Stephanie gave us clear instructions and outlined which entrances she’d leave open. So far, so good.

“We’re in position,” Hale says.

The way he’s approached our task reeks of special forces. Although I don’t know his history, I’d put money on him having a military background.

From our waiting spot in the car, I can’t see Hale, Daisy and Freddie. They’re infiltrating the building through the underground garage. If Alaric suddenly makes a break for it, we’ll have him cornered.

“In position,” Freddie confirms.

“Doors opening,” Daisy says.

Hearing her voice makes the hairs on my arms stand on end. Even though finding out she’s alive is beyond anything I’d ever hoped for, it doesn’t make hearing her again easier when everything has changed, and there’s still so much distance between us.

“Why can’t we go in already?” I complain, crossing my arms.

We’re parked away from the club in a pre-agreed upon location and are going to be the last to enter. No doubt Seb intended to keep me away from any bloody action for as long as possible.

Bram smiles to himself and plants a kiss on my cheek. I want to bat him away, yet I lean into him more. I grab his hair and pull his lips to mine. Bram gently pulls away, placing a finger on my lips.

“I know, I know. We’ll be ready.” I roll my eyes and huff. “I hate waiting.”

He taps his watch. Ten minutes. That’s how long we have to wait before moving. Yeah, fat chance of that. Seb should know me better by now. I unclip my seatbelt and reach for the door before Bram stops me. If we follow Seb’s instructions to the letter, Alaric will be dead by the time we reach him. He’s put me through hell. I want to have a front-row seat to the fucker gasping his last breath.

Bram grabs my wrist and hauls me back.

“I’m not a Duke, remember?” I say, shrugging him off. Seb gave the guy’s orders, but I’m under no obligation to follow them. “I can’t let anything happen to Daisy again, Bram. I just can’t.”

He grunts in disapproval but reluctantly lets me go.

My ponytail swings as I march towards our entrance with Bram in pursuit. I have a gun tucked in my waistband and knives stashed down the side of my boots. As we walk, I check the nearby buildings for twitching curtains and people loitering around. Alaric’s approach to keeping his followers segregated to retain anonymity only adds to my paranoia. Anyone could be an agent in this area. I’ve heard enough stories about defecting agents to know that they’re always tracked down and never see their deaths coming.

Bram slips his fingers through mine. To an outsider, we look like any other normal couple taking a night-time stroll.

Apart from the two entrances the others are using, there are two more. We’re heading for the hidden side entrance that Alaric typically favours. The other route, through the underground escape tunnel, should have been sealed off by Stephanie from the inside. She and Alaric are the only people with the clearance to use it, so it doesn’t pose a risk.

“Heading down now,” Callen’s voice crackles slightly.

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