Page 54 of Challenging Luke

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"Son of a bitch!" Luke slammed his fist against the dashboard, hitting it so hard that he was sure there would be a fist-size hole in the plastic.

Luke used his Bluetooth to call Ryker. As soon as his friend answered, he launched into a tirade of questions. "Any word? Have you notified the police that she's missing? Did you call Caden?"

Thankfully Ryker's normally playful tone was completely serious. "We haven't located Monica yet. I've spoken with the police officers on the scene and Dom is in communication with Caden. We contacted everyone as soon as we knew something was amiss."

But was it enough?

"Traffic is a bitch right now but we're almost there."

"Who’s we?"

"Brad the fire marshal is with me. He was showing me what he found at Monica's townhouse when you called. He’s already spoken to someone on the scene. This was intentionally set."

Ryker let out a string of curses that would make even the most seasoned sailor blush.

"So much for this place being locked down and safe. I should've forced her to let me stay upstairs."

His friend wasn't the only one kicking themselves in the ass for that. He had been trying to compromise, and in the end, it cost him.

"I'll be there soon."

Luke disconnected the call and once again cursed his luck as he sat in traffic while his girl was God knows where.

"Pull over here. We’ll get there faster on foot."

He didn't need to be told twice. Luke swung the truck into a gas station parking lot and turned off the engine.

The five minutes were more like ten as they cut corners through alleys. By the time they got close enough to the building, they could see the firefighters picking up the hose.

"It couldn't have been too bad if they’re packing up already," Brad said, but Luke didn't give a shit about the fire. He needed to find his friends and figure out what they’d learned. With any luck, Monica had shown up.

It was Dom who found him first, with Ryker seconds behind, dragging along a crying Amelia. He should've known his luck wasn't that good. One of them would've called if they found Monica.

"I never should've left the building for lunch. If I had stayed, she wouldn't have been alone."

Or they would've kidnapped Amelia or worse. If whoever abducted Monica didn't want any witnesses, they could've killed Amelia on the spot.

He couldn't say any of that though, so instead he patted her on the shoulder. "It's not your fault. Monica wouldn't want you to blame yourself." Then he turned to Dom. "What does Caden have for us?"

"He's in communication with Tex. They’re tracking her location. Based on how fast she's moving, they believe she's on a plane. Caden's going with the assumption they chartered a private jet. No way they could convince Monica to willingly walk onto a commercial plane. Plus, they left her purse, so she has no ID."

"Are they able to find the plane and check if they logged a flight plan?"

"Tex is checking. But I can see if they have anything new for us." Dom stepped away to make the call.

"I'm so sorry." Luke had almost forgotten Amelia was standing with them until she spoke up.

Ryker spoke up before he could. "You have nothing to apologize for."

He let his friend console Monica's secretary. His main focus needed to be on finding Monica.

Luke knew things were bad even before Dom spoke. It was written all over his friend's face.

"Three flight plans were logged for private planes at a nearby airport. None of them are Fletcher, but Tex is accessing the security feed to narrow it down. He could've used an alias. In the meantime, he has three teams on standby for the locations. He's also monitoring Monica's tracker to get a better idea of where they might be headed. Once he has a location for where Fletcher is landing, he will deploy the necessary team."

Luke had no idea how Caden knew this Tex, but he was certainly a great man to have in their corner. But none of that explained the look on Dom's face.

"What aren't you telling me?"

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