Page 55 of Challenging Luke

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"There's been a prison break."


Monica's head felt like someone was beating it with a hammer. A sudden shift rocked her body and made the pain that much worse.

Was that turbulence? Am I on a plane?

That was the only thing she could associate the movement with but that couldn't be right. She hadn't scheduled any trips lately.

Then suddenly, it was like a movie was turned on inside her head. Except instead of being one of the characters, it was as if she was part of the audience watching what was unfolding.

The fire alarm.

The mad dash to make sure everyone on her floor had left safely.

Her own hustle to leave once she knew everyone else was safe.

Then the worst part of the movie started. Someone grabbing her and her fighting for her life to get free, but all in vain. In the end, the two individuals overpowered, drugged, and carried her away.

"I know you're awake. I could tell the moment your breathing changed."

Monica knew that voice, had prayed she would never have to hear it again. With great effort, she forced her eyes open and took in her surroundings. She was, in fact, on a plane, a luxurious one based on the looks of it, and sitting across from her was none other than Alexander Fletcher himself. From what she could tell, no one else was with them. The two men who grabbed her were nowhere in sight.

That made her feel marginally better. She could handle Fletcher. She wasn't bound, so as soon as they landed, she could strike out and run away. She just needed to figure out where it was they were going to land.

"Where are you taking me?"

"What, no hello?" Fletcher chuckled. "I thought for sure you would be more excited to see me."

"Where are you taking me?" she asked again, through gritted teeth.

She wasn't in the mood for games. Her head was pounding, and she wasn't a huge fan of flying, despite being part of her job. But normally she had time to mentally prepare. She wasn't too keen on waking up while she was already in the air.

"Now see, that's a surprise. I wouldn't want to spoil all the fun on the first go around."

If she thought her head hurt when she woke up, it was nothing compared to how it felt talking to this man. He made an art out of talking in circles, which was quite the contrast to the first time she met him. It made her wonder which personality was the true one.

"Why did you take me? It's not like kidnapping me is going to help. Carmichael knows what you did with Silverstein. The moment he finds out I was taken, he's going to put precautions in place to protect our clients."

"Oh, I know." Fletcher gave her a smile that sent shivers down her spine, and not the good kind either. "You lost the chance to help me. Now this is payback for a dear friend."

Payback? A cold dread washed over her. There was only one person outside of Fletcher who could possibly be out to get her.

"Silverstein." The name was nothing more than a whisper out of her lips.

"I see you figured it out." There was too much excitement on his face for her comfort. "When I told him you refused to follow in his steps, he decided it was time to collect on that debt you owed him."

"What debt?" She was almost too afraid to ask.

"For putting him in prison. It was your fault, you know. You just had to report her missing."

Fletcher must've been confused. That or Silverstein wasn't providing him with all the information about what really happened.

"He sent a ransom note,” Monica said slowly. “He tried extorting the company for money. Then tried to have her murdered when that didn't work. Me reporting her missing had nothing to do with him going to jail."

"He said you would try to convince me it was his fault and not yours."

Holy shit. Silverstein was even more devious than she originally thought. This whole time she had assumed it was Fletcher who approached Silverstein, but what if it had been the other way around?

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