Page 23 of Challenging Luke

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MONICA: Just seems like the kind of thing you would do.

So she did know him well enough already. That was a bit scary but mostly comforting.

LUKE: Going anywhere good for lunch?

MONICA: You mean you aren’t getting minute-by-minute reports on how my day is going?

Another discussion he had with his friends that morning before they left was there was no need to check in with every move she made. It wasn’t needed, and he trusted that his friends would tell him if anything vital came up. Where she went for lunch didn’t qualify.

He was just starting to type out his response when another message popped up.

MONICA: I’m kidding. Obviously, I can see they aren’t on their phones.

She was showing him more of her personality and damn if he didn’t like it.

MONICA: Oh but they are coming over to introduce themselves. At least I assume that’s the plan.

Fucking Ryker. He was probably going to hit on her. Luke had to stop himself from calling Dom and demanding that he keep their friend in line. It would do no good. Ryker would only be more obnoxious if he knew how much it bothered him.

LUKE: Don’t fall for Ryker’s nonsense.

When Monica didn’t immediately message him back, he knew he had been right about her. She gave her full attention to whoever she was talking to at the time. That was by far the most attractive quality a person could have.

“Why do you look ready to come out of your seat?” Nash’s question startled him.

He hadn’t realized he was showing his obvious discomfort on the outside. Normally he was better about covering those kinds of things up.

“Ryker and Dom are introducing themselves to Monica while she’s out to lunch.”

He just remembered that she never told him where she had stopped. Was it someplace to sit down or one of those places where a person grabbed food and took it back to the office to eat? For his sanity, he hoped it was the second one.

“And you’re worried she’s going to like Ryker more than you.”

“No. Technically she’s already met Ryker.”

But the two had barely spoken during that encounter because she had been more focused on him and how he discovered who she was. Now Ryker would have her full attention because Dom was too quiet and wouldn’t say anything other than hi.

“You have nothing to worry about. Ryker knows how you feel about her. Anything he does is only to bust your balls.”

And their friend was the champ at doing just that.

MONICA: Ryker’s the troublemaker on the team, isn’t he?

His response was immediate.

LUKE: It’s that obvious?

MONICA: Hard to miss when he tried to kiss the back of my hand and called me gorgeous.

Ryker was a dead man. He was going to skin his friend alive when he came back, and that’s if he didn’t call him back early.

LUKE: I’m going to kill him.

MONICA: hahaha. It’s too easy. Ryker was the perfect gentleman. He shook my hand and introduced himself but that was all. But I could see where that smile of his gets him what he wants more often than not.

Oh, so she had jokes. Just wait until he got her in the bedroom. He was going to show her what teasing was really like.

LUKE: Glad to see you’re getting a kick out of torturing me.

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