Page 22 of Challenging Luke

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Jayce was the only one on the team who had been married previously and to say that marriage ended in a disaster would be the understatement of the century. Fifteen years later and he was still bitter as the day it happened.

“She who shall not be named was not your soulmate and shouldn’t be who you base your standard on.”

Austin wasn’t wrong. Jayce’s ex-wife was a cunt, and he didn’t use that word lightly. She fucked him up in ways that none of them would ever forgive her for. If anyone deserved to find a woman who could show him how great of a man he was, it was Jayce.

“I don’t even believe in soulmates and I agree. That woman doesn’t deserve to be anyone’s standard,” Caden candidly threw out without looking up from the report on the table.

“Let’s drop the topic of love and focus on getting this place organized. At some point, we need to start taking assignments again and I would much prefer that was sooner rather than later.”

What Jayce really meant was he needed work to keep his mind off other things. It wasn’t healthy but Jayce used work as an escape and they all allowed him. Maybe it was time to change that.

The thought drifted away when his phone beeped, and he saw a message from Monica. A small part of him worried when he didn’t hear from her this morning that any progress they made last night went up in smoke.

He was glad to see that wasn’t the case.

MONICA: Is there a reason two hunky men are following me to lunch?

Maybe sending Ryker wasn’t the best idea he ever had. The ladies loved him.

LUKE: Considering neither of those men are me, I’m not sure who you’re calling hunky.

Jealousy wasn’t an emotion he was familiar with but damn if he didn’t want to call Dom and Ryker back to the office just so he could knock the two of them out.

MONICA: That was too easy lol.

Damn, he showed his hand early.

MONICA: When you mentioned I would have people watching me, I didn’t think they would be so obvious about it.

He and his friends had discussed it that morning. They debated between staying hidden or making their presence known. Ryker suggested a visual presence in hopes it would deter Fletcher in case he also had someone watching her. Dom wanted to be as subtle as possible. The only reason Ryker won out was because he didn’t want Monica freaking out not knowing the identities of those following her.

LUKE: Just trying to stay in front of the situation. The hope is it will keep anyone from thinking twice that you’re an easy target.

MONICA: Unless they like a challenge.

And that was what he feared. Alexander Fletcher wasn’t the kind of man who allowed himself to be easily beaten. He could just as easily see it as the challenge Monica mentioned and do everything in his power to get around his team. That’s why they needed to be extra vigilant and try to lock in Fletcher’s location before he could slip back into the States.

LUKE: Plan for the worst but hope for the best.

MONICA: An optimist. I never would’ve thought that about you.

He smiled. It meant she was thinking about him when he wasn’t around. That made him far too happy.

LUKE: I wouldn’t say I’m an optimist but one can hope for a good turnout.

MONICA: Pretty sure that’s the literal definition of an optimist.

He researched the word on his phone, and sure enough, it was almost the exact definition that popped up.

LUKE: Maybe you’re right.

MONICA: You looked up the definition, didn’t you?

Either she knew him that well already or he was that easy to read. He wasn’t sure which one was better.

LUKE: That obvious?

He liked that she didn’t make him wait when he texted her. Almost all of her communications were nearly instant. When she gave him attention, she gave him all of it.

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