Page 94 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“I’m glad.” He lets out a breath. “I know I shouldn’t say that, but I am.”


“Yeah, E?”

“That was sexy the way you stuck up for me.”

He halts at the stop sign, his eyes diverting to mine. I see the gentle rise and fall of his breathing in the still of the cab as my eyes flick down to his broad chest. I have the urge to run my hands across that sexy rim of his collar bones and trail them down his body, feeling every inch of him as I go. He pauses and I notice in the side mirror that there’s no one behind us, or in sight for that matter. “Yeah?”


“You don’t think I’m a country hick who loves hog calling?” He tilts his head.

“You have been known for your skills in tractor maintenance.” I giggle. It’s really no laughing matter, but if I didn’t laugh, I might cry. That was so rude of Kirk. Luckily Brook is pretty thick skinned. “And hogs are similar to pigs, right? So maybe that’s not a bad thing at all. Mandy is proof of that.”

He regards me now with new, appreciative eyes, ones that still sparkle in the darkness and send waves of heat straight to my core. It’s like a jolt of electricity, the chemistry buzzing between us like a live wire. So much so, I have to look away.

“I’ll always stick up for you,” he says, his voice suddenly husky. “That you can be assured of. And now I know you find it sexy…”

“Hey, don’t make a habit of it. I mean, punching him was pretty extreme. But I admit, you looked hot while doing it.”

He grins and I realize I just called him both sexy and hot within a matter of minutes. “I can’t believe the nerve of that guy,” he says.

I edge closer to him on the seat, shuffling my sore body slowly. He still hasn’t moved the truck from the stop sign. “It made me feel a little…” I stop myself. No, that’s wrong to feel like that from Kirk getting hit in the face. Isn’t it?

“Like what, Baby Doll?”

My teeth grip my bottom lip and look up at him. My hand reaches to his thigh and I give it a squeeze with eager fingers. Fingers that want more, so much more.

I don’t know what I think I’m doing, but one thing is for sure, I love the way Brook is so protective over me.

“Fuck, E.” His quiet groan encourages me to reach up to kiss him on the cheek, because that’s all I’m brave enough for, especially while the car is still running. But he turns his face at the last second so his lips land on mine.

“Brookie!” I squeal, pulling back ever so slightly.

He laughs, his warm breath on my cheek. “You pretty much said my protectiveness turned you on, and that I’m sexy. You really wanna kiss me on the cheek?”

My panties are telling me I want to do a whole lot more with a wet buzz between my thighs. I bite my lip again and shake my head to his question, going back in for another. His lips are soft and sweet, sending tingles down my spine, rippling their way to my core. He makes a sexy noise in the back of his throat as he deepens the kiss, his lips working some new kind of magic and I sigh into his mouth. He’s about to switch angles when we hear a honk behind us and we both jump. Then we burst out laughing. Neither of us saw or heard a car come up behind us.

“Fuck.” Brook quickly pulls himself together and rolls forwards as we continue on the next couple of blocks back to my house. When he parks, he shuts the engine off and immediately turns to me, his weight shifting in the seat as it crunches. It may be dark in the truck, but I can see his hungry eyes in the moonlight never leaving mine. “You wanna tell me again what you found so sexy and hot about your husband?” he murmurs, moving a strand of hair from my face with his big fingers and tucking it behind my ear. No matter how large he may be, he still knows how to be gentle.

I squeeze my thighs together at his touch and the way he says your husband. “You,” I say simply, glad that he can’t let it go. “Just you, Brook.”

He grins, his tongue dusting his bottom lip briefly. Then he bends his neck and reaches down to kiss me again. I smack his arm lightly before he makes contact and he stops mid-kiss. “You want the whole neighborhood seeing us?”

“It’s dark.” He laughs. “And who’s going to be looking?”

“Well, I’m sure my friendly neighbors are up to speed with everything going on in my life after Kirk showed up.”

“Might as well give them dinner and a show,” he muses.

I hit him playfully again.

“Ow.” He rubs his arm.

“That didn’t hurt.”

“You know, come to think of it, you never minded our truck activities in the past.”

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