Page 93 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“Say whatever you want if it makes you feel better about being a cheater,” I holler. “We don’t have time for this, I’m in pain. We need to go.”

“Got that?” Brook stands in his way with his hands on his hips.

“Fuck you!” Kirk spits. “You and that bitch are welcome to each other, you know that!”

I stare with an open mouth. Before I can even blink, Brook spins, draws his arm back and punches Kirk right in the face. “That’s my wife!”

Kirk’s head flies back, then he doubles over in pain, clutching his nose, blood already spurting everywhere.

It’s a good punch, I have to say, and violence isn’t something I normally condone.

“That freaking hurt!” he wails, but thankfully starts backing away. “I’m calling the sheriff!”

“Oh, you do that,” Brook throws back, not looking one bit phased by the punch, or by his threat. “Can you remind Travis he owes me a drink after I won the last game of pool down at Moose’s?”

Kirk is almost in his car now anyway.

“Don’t come around here again.” Brook points at him.

“You’re welcome to each other!” Kirk is trying to stop his nosebleed using the sleeve of his fancy, probably designer, shirt.

“Good riddance!” I call out. I am shocked by the showdown, but I also want him gone.

He starts his car — hopefully getting blood all over the interior of his Mercedes — and backs out, taking off into the night. I can only thank my lucky stars that Blake wasn’t here.

Brook closes my door and walks around to the driver’s side and jumps in.

He glances at me as I finally take my hands from my mouth where they were covering it in shock when Brook punched him.

“Wow,” I say. “That was intense. I can’t believe that just happened.”

“I hope I broke his goddamned nose. The guy just wasn’t getting the hint.”

“I don’t understand how I’m the bitch in all of this either?”

“Some people’s egos will never understand that it’s never them that’s done anything wrong. He’s gone, E. I don’t think you need to worry about him anymore. Now, baby doll, I need to get you to the hospital.”

We get to see Dr McCarthy pretty quickly and I’m given the all clear. Just some jarring and bruising, but nothing is broken, thank goodness.

He gives me some pain meds and we finally head home after a more than dramatic evening. We stop by the Burger Stop for two veggie burgers and fries, as I said I’d try the plant based one with him.

“What a night,” I sigh when we’re a few minutes from home.

“I’m sorry if that scared you. The guy was asking for it.”

“Those things he said,” I murmur, still in shock from the confrontation.

Brook’s eyes graze over me softly. “I told you, he’s an ass. One you won’t need to worry about again. I’ve already let Travis know what happened while you were seeing the doctor. If he really does want to take it further, we have those texts, missed calls, and the fact he showed up at your door. Though I think we’ve seen the last of him.”

“I meant about not sleeping with him.”

“Oh.” Brook looks at me for a moment, pressing his lips together.

“Yeah, oh.”

“So, you really were taking it slow?”

“Yeah, I didn’t want to jump straight in without getting to know him. It’s been a long time since…”

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