Page 95 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“Well, things might have changed since then,” I say. I did hand him my virginity on a golden platter in the back of my Jeep way back when.

“Nah, I don’t think so.”

“Cocky much?” I can’t help but smile. Things sure have taken a turn tonight, in more ways than one. The situation with Kirk wasn’t great, neither was falling and hurting myself from the bathtub. But once again, Brook is here and he’s made everything better.

Just like he always does. Cocky and all.

I know that if the buzz in my body and in my entire being is anything to go by, I’m falling again.

Big time.

Maybe I fell long ago, but I just never realized it.

“Did you say cock?” Brook jibes, poking me in the ribs on my not sore side.

I punch him again lightly in the same spot. “You!”

“You love it really.”

Maybe I do



Eden manages to hobble in after I lift her from the car. I grab the takeaway bag and help her inside. Noodle is there to greet us, of course.

The pain meds the doc gave her are clearly starting to kick in. He did say she will have some heavy bruising and to keep up the ice packs over the next few days for no longer than twenty minute intervals.

Eden left some lights on earlier so Noodle wasn’t in the dark. I steer her to the rear living room with ease, where I help her onto the couch. My sole intention now is to look after her.

I’m reeling after tonight’s events. First finding her naked on the bathroom floor, then being confronted with Kirk when we left the house. The argument. Me punching him. The hospital. Our confessions. And now the kiss.

She also thinks I’m still hot. And she didn’t sleep with Kirk.

That’s gotta be the best freaking news I’ve heard in a long while.

“I’m feeling much better now,” she says. “The meds may be kicking in.”

“I should get the ice pack.”

“That can wait,” she breathes.

“Should I get the food?”

She shakes her head. “Brookie, come here.”

I swallow hard and bend down toward her. As soon as she can reach me she grabs me by the shirt and pulls me down onto the couch with her, wincing as she goes.

I carefully roll beside her and squash next to her good side.

“Thank you for being here tonight,” she breathes.

I smooth her hair from her eyes and kiss her nose.

“You’re welcome.”

“I meant everything I said.”

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