Page 87 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“Not at you, E, with you. And if you wanted to get naked for me, you only had to say.”

She throws me an exasperated look without any qualms. “Trust you to joke at a time like this!”

“Sorry, I’m trying to take your mind off things.”

“Just help me up, and don’t look at anything.”

I chuckle. “I told ya, it ain’t nothing I’ve never seen before, E.”

“There you go again!”

“Would you like me to grab you a robe?”

“That would be good, I’m freezing. There’s one hanging up on the back of the door.”

I get up from my knees to go and grab her the robe. I’ve covered her partially with the towel, but that can only do so much.

“I’ll tuck my hands under your shoulders and try to get you sitting up, okay?”

“That sounds good.”

I slide my hands under her shoulders slowly as she holds the towel to her chest.

“Thank fuck I was coming here,” I say as we move her slowly. She winces in pain and I hear her suck a breath. I slide the robe under her lifted shoulders and help each arm through.

“God knows how long it would have been until someone found me. Poor Noodle was beside herself.”

She’s hovering around us now probably wondering what the fuck is going on.

“How does that feel?” I ask as I hold her back to my chest and we still for a moment.

“It hurts, but I don’t think anything is broken,” she says.

“I’m going to hook my hands under your legs and lift you up, okay?”

“Oh boy,” she sighs. “Twice in one week.”

I chuckle again, seeing the funny side for a moment. “At least you’re sober this time, you don’t have that as an excuse.”

“Very funny. Can you grab my cell, it’s been ringing non-stop.”

“That was probably me.”

“Oh, was everything okay?”

“I’ll tell you about it when we can get you to the couch.” I try not to glance at the little pink bullet on the counter. Fuck, was she reaching for that when she slipped?

I don’t want to embarrass her by pressing on the subject, so I drop it for now, even if my curiosity is piqued.

“On the count of three, I’ll pick you up, alright?” I slide my arm under her legs.

“Alright. So one, two and pick me up on three? Just so I can brace myself.”

“I was going to go one, two, three, then lift.”

“Whatever, Brook. I’ll just brace when you get to two, just to be safe.”

I chuckle. For fuck’s sake.

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