Page 86 of Brooklyn & Eden

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I could wait for the asshole and rearrange his face for him, but I don’t want to be late meeting Eden or get arrested for assault. Speaking of which, I pull out my cell and dial Eden. I wait for a few moments but she doesn’t answer.

I get into the car and start her up, taking another glance over at the car before I drive away. That asshole better not be in town trying to make any move on Eden.

Then shit is really going to hit the fan.

I try Eden again but it rings until her voice message comes on again.

I’ll be there in five minutes anyway and then I’ll break the news to her that I saw Kirk’s car in town. There’s only one reason he can be here.

I’m knocking on the door to no answer. Her car is in the driveway and Noodle is barking away behind the door, so maybe she’s out back or in the office.

I try the door handle but it’s locked. I scoot around to the side gate which leads to her office. Unlatching it, I step through, calling out her name as I go.

Noodle runs around to greet me when I get to her office. I stick my head in but she’s not in there either. I bend down to give Noodle a pat and tell her to take me to Mama.

I head to the double set of French doors next to the doggie flap and try the handle, thankfully one is open. I call out again as I step inside.

“Eden, are you in here?”

I hear yelling from down the hallway. I rush up to her bedroom, my heart in my throat for a moment while I search for her.

“Brook, I’m in here!”

Noodle leads the way with a bark, bringing me to Eden.

“Eden?” I’m frantic as I burst into her bedroom but she’s nowhere to be seen.

“In the bathroom!” she yells.

I move to her ensuite and shove the door open and there she is on the tiles, naked, laying in a ball on her side.

I curse pretty heavily as I rush to her.

“Eden, what the fuck?”

“I slipped, Brook. I think I twisted something, it hurts.”

I reach up to the rail and grab a towel, quickly wrapping it around her. “How long have you been laying here?”

“A little while.” She’s shivering.

I glance up to the cabinet where her cell is charging; no wonder she wasn’t answering. My eyes glance to the closer end of the cabinet to the bath where there’s a little hot pink gadget… holy shit.

I quickly look back at her, my breath escaping me for a moment.

“Don’t say a word,” she mutters. I’m also trying to not look at her body too closely because that would be wrong when she’s laying here like this.

I hold up my hands in protest. “Not here to judge, honey. Let’s just try and get you up.”

“I haven’t even started cooking dinner!” she wails as I try to move her. She is on a bit of a twisted angle.

“Don’t worry about that right now.”

“I think it’s my hip. At least I landed halfway on my butt and not my head.”

It’s not a laughing matter but the way she says it makes me chuckle quietly.

“You better not be laughing at me.”

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