Page 88 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“Okay, here we go. One, two…” She sucks in a breath as I pull her close to me. “Three.” I hoist us up from my knees as she cries out in pain, slowly getting my balance as I stand. She weighs absolutely nothing. “Let’s set you down first and I’ll go back for your cell.” The last thing I want to do is drop her while reaching for her fucking phone.

“Thanks, Brook,” she murmurs.

“I think I should take you to the hospital.”

“I’m sure it’s just the way I landed, and it’s going to be bruised. I’ll be fine.”

“You’re not a doctor, Baby Doll, so you don’t know that.” I walk out to the living room, Noodle on my heels, and carefully place her down on her cozy couch. Then I help get the rest of her robe around her. Again, I try not to look down at her body while she’s doing that, but it’s a little hard. Her small frame and creamy skin is just as I remembered it. Not much has changed, and quite frankly, I love it. I always have.

“My left side is really sore,” she says.

“I really think we should get it checked out.”

“I need to finish making dinner.”

“Fuck dinner, E. You’re hurt. I’ll grab us some takeaway in town if that makes you feel better.”

“You're getting all macho on me now, Brookie?”

I swallow at my nickname again. “So what if I am?”

“You keep saving me lately.”

“I know it. I’m gonna be going for ex-husband slash husband of the year before long.”

She giggles. “Don’t even joke like that. Tonight was about going through all of that.”

“Look. I’ll go get your cell and take you to the hospital just to get you checked out. Then we’ll grab dinner and if you’re still up to it, we’ll talk?”

“That sounds good.”

I walk back to the bathroom and unplug her cell from the charger, taking one last smirk toward the bullet. Did she already use it? And more importantly, who was she thinking about?

My smile is quickly replaced by a frown as a message pops up on her home page and I catch a glimpse of it before the screen dulls again. Fucking Kirk.

Baby, pick up. Please.

Oh, no fucking way.

“E.” I walk back into the lounge and she looks up at me. “There’s something I gotta tell you.” I pass her cell to her as she rests back on the cushions, trying her best to get comfy but wincing all the while.

She unlocks her screen and I watch her eyes grow wide as she sees the message, and probably the missed calls from the both of us.

“You saw that?” she whispers.

“I thought you blocked him.”

“Yeah, I should have that day, but with so much going on I forgot. I don’t know why he’s texting me, I’ve not sent anything to him. And I don’t wish to.”

Thank fuck for that. “Well, on the way over here I went to Verne’s to grab us some dessert and I’m pretty sure I saw his car across the street.”

“Oh, God no.”

“He better not be on his way over here, E. I don’t know what I will do if he shows up.”

“Shit.” She bites her lip nervously. “Why would he do that? I made it clear I NEVER wanted to see him again.”

“Can you do me a favor and block the asshole now?”

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