Page 85 of Brooklyn & Eden

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I go over to the bakery on the way to see Eden and grab us something for dessert. I just catch Verne before she’s closing and grab a half a dozen box of her famous red velvet cupcakes.

I’m making my way back to the car when I see Gray and Hart on the other side of the street parked outside the general store. I wave on over as they wave back and start to cross the street over to me.

“Hot date?” Gray raises his eyebrows looking at my attire.

Yeah, okay I’m wearing dark pants instead of jeans, and I ironed my velvet look black button-down shirt. I even left the cowboy hat at home.

I don’t know exactly how to answer that, so I go with a joke, like always. “Not exactly. Just fine tuning my non divorce as it happens.”

Hartley’s face lights up, it seems she is unsuccessfully trying to hide her smile.

“How’s that all working out for ya?’ Gray asks, bemused. Of course he’s heard, and I felt bad it wasn’t from me, but the whole thing got leaked before I had a chance. I only confided in Gabe first because he was there at the time.

I sigh. “You probably know more than me.”

“Well, if you need a hand with anything this time around, let me know,” Hartley says kindly.

Hmm, maybe she knows more about Eden’s take on it all than I do.

“Thanks, I will.” But inside I cringe because it’s not what I want at all.

I want Eden to want me back. To tear up the papers and tell me we made a huge fucking mistake. Because that’s what I feel like doing.

“Is she ok after Saturday?” Hartley asks.

“She’s fine. Though I’ve a good mind to track that asshole Kirk down.” Just the thought of that guy makes me see red.

“A true asshole.” Gray shakes his head.

“He’s long gone,” Hartley says. “I don’t think he will show his face around here any time soon.”

“I’ll be first in line to punch him in the face,” I grit. I’m just thankful he is out of her life for good. Thank fuck he hasn’t tried to come groveling back.

“I’m sure it won’t come to that.” Gray pats me on the shoulder. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah? GB has been working on the design, and working with the sketches you showed her for your label. I think you’re going to be impressed.”

“Sounds good.” I smile. I can’t not smile when I think about that. It’s the one thing going right at the moment.

“Say hi to Eden for me,” Hartley says.

“Will do. I’ll see you two lovebirds later.”

“Have a good night.” Gray casts me a wink. “Oh, and next time you decide to keep a secret that big from your oldest brother, can you at least tell me before Gabe?”

“Will do.” I give him a sheepish smile as they walk off arm in arm. Luckily he doesn’t hold it against me, especially since we’ve been in cahoots over my Moonshine since day one.

They are so loved up it makes me chuckle. Gabe isn’t much better. I still maintain they’ve both been way easier to deal with now they’ve both got decent girlfriends.

I’m happy for both of my brothers; they've been through a lot.

I wonder how long it will be before Gray pops the biggie — even Gabe. He might even beat Gray to it the rate he and Skye are going. She’s practically moved in with him already. I know Gray would get married again and I believe if he married Hart this time around, it would be the icing on the cake for him. They’re a perfect match.

I walk around to the driver’s side of my truck and I’m just about to slide the cupcakes over onto the seat next to me when I see a Mercedes parked just across the road, opposite where I’m standing. The same fucking Mercedes that pulled up to Blake’s birthday party.

My heart hammers in my chest at a thousand notches in one second.

Kirk’s in town? No fucking way.

There’s clearly no one in the vehicle, and I don’t see him along the street.

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