Page 84 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“Save some leftovers for me tomorrow!” Blake hollers as I move into the kitchen to start my prep. It’s only five o’clock so I have time to get things ready.

“I will,” I call back.

I just hope that Brook is going to like it. There’s a lot to get through tonight and the last thing I need is a disaster in the kitchen. He always did like my cooking all those years ago so I don’t see how it can go too wrong now.

Blake leaves at six with my parents. I wave them off and step back inside to run a bath since I have a little bit of extra time on my hands. I have everything prepped, and will put the pasta bake in the oven half an hour before Brook arrives and make the potatoes while it’s cooking.

Noodle passes out in her bed, so I take a bit of time for myself to relax and prepare for seeing him again and going over some of the hard subjects tonight.

I know it has to be done. I also know I need some time after just breaking up with Kirk.

It’s only been a little over a week, and now that I’m thinking about it, I need to block the asshole.

When I soak into the suds, I sigh with relief. It’s my way of relaxing; being in my beautifully renovated bathroom, with silver penny round tiles and white subways up the wall. The bath is a cast-iron copper tub. It’s a beautiful space to relax in, especially when I light some candles.

I close my eyes and enjoy the stillness, thinking about what could transpire tonight with Brook and the main things we need to get to the bottom off. I guess our divorce is on top of the list. What a mess it all is.

I sigh into the dim lit bathroom. His blue eyes flash before me, and that rogue smile that always has the ability to make me smile too.

Brooklyn Bassett is still a stud. There’s no denying it. I’ve always enjoyed his physique, and he’s kept it up over the years. He’s even more strapping now than he was back then.

I don’t even mean to slide my hand down into the water to the apex of my thighs, but I can’t help it when I need some friction. Maybe this is what I need to let all the frustration out.

No one even has to know except me, myself and I.

I can play for a little while and then grab my bullet to finish off the job. I mean, I’m not going to picture my husband while I’m doing it.

At least, I’ll try not to.

I lean forward and reach over to the bathroom drawer and slide my hand in, feeling around for the little rubber contraption which I hope I charged up.

I lay back down as I work my hand over my sweet spot, my fingers roving deeper to my throbbing entrance. There’s a hunger in my body that I want to feed… and I know there’s only one thing that can truly do it.

Thinking about Brook like this still gets me wet. I press my mouth together, trying to get him out of my head is impossible. I can’t… or maybe I can. I tell myself it’s just this once.

A couple of good orgasms should knock this silly notion of me and him right out of the water. I flick the little gadget on and slide it under the bubbles, finding my throbbing bud in seconds. I flinch a little when it touches me because I feel so damned sensitive.

I immediately move my hips against the small rubber end, which looks like nothing, but holds so much promise as it buzzes against me, the water sloshing around to my rhythm.

I watch my breasts jiggle in motion as I move. God, how he loved to play with those. He’d hold them both at once, squeeze them together and suck from nipple to nipple. His tongue and lips working together and then pulling gently with his teeth while he plunged his big cock into me.

I groan as the vibrations become more intense and so do my visualizations.

This thing can get me off within minutes, so I should be seeing the stars soon and then I can lay all this to rest. I press it a little more firmly and hold my free hand up to my breast, tugging on my nipple, imagining it’s him. He knew exactly what I liked and how to do it just right. And when his succulent cock was inside me, I couldn’t get enough of him, ever.

It’s a combination of the hum of the bullet with the vibrations, the water sloshing, my breasts bouncing, as well as my vivid memories of me and Brook. They all ricochet together as I feel my release about to spiral. I hold on as best I can.

A second later I cry out as my orgasm takes over, pulsing out from my core and taking my entire body and every cell fiber with it. It’s so intense it’s almost too much.

I ride it out, enjoying every sensation as I apply a tiny bit more pressure until I’m riding a second, third and fourth back-to-back. They’re always one after the other with this little thing. My eyes fling open when I’m done, just at the same time my cell starts ringing.

“Shit,” I mutter, still in a daze. My whole body feels so good and so relaxed, like I could just curl up and go to sleep. I stand and reach over towards the counter, but I can’t reach it from the bath, so I hoist myself up and swing my leg over the edge. Only I lose my footing as I’m halfway out and I let out a squeal as I slide and topple out, landing awkwardly on my backside with an umph, hitting the tiles on the left side of my body with a whack. It knocks the air out of me as I lay on the floor in shock. I try to move but a pain shoots up the side of my leg and my hip. I take a few deep breaths and try to think of how I’m going to get out of this if I’m stuck on the floor and can’t reach my cell.

Oh no. Oh God no.



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