Page 81 of Brooklyn & Eden

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What could possibly go wrong with the annual Stoney Creek bachelor auction?

I text Eden a couple of days later once I’ve let the dust settle a little on Sunday’s picnic. Beau sent me the paperwork for the online auction which I’ve just filled in, but haven’t sent off yet. Famous last words…

Both Beau and Owen have confirmed they will both participate, but I’m still in two minds because it could totally backfire. Do I really expect Eden to bid for me? She may not even be talking to me by the time the auction comes around just before thanksgiving. I heard through Beau that Georgia is trying to get Easton and Gaitley on board as well. Easton will be up for it, but I’m not sure about Gaitley; he’s pretty reserved at the best of times.

Travis is going to be the big draw card this year, being that he’s the new sheriff in town, as well as fresh meat. I’m sure the single ladies are going to go a little crazy over that one. But at thirty years old I don’t think I look too bad. I keep myself pretty well kept; I work out, and chicks love the cowboy get up.

If anything, it should be good for a laugh. I hope.


Hey, E. Are you going to be free this week for dinner? I know you said you were busy


Hi Brook, how about Thursday. I’m under a bit of pressure for the last wedding of fall this weekend. Friday I have a lot of prep to do


Sounds good where would you like to go?


Well, we could just make it casual and I can cook


That sounds like a good idea. What about Blake?


I’ll ask my folks to have her for dinner that night and maybe a movie so it gives us a chance to talk




Eight o’clock?


Ok. I’ll see you then

I sigh, slinging my phone on the couch as I run my hand through my hair.

The time has to come where I tell her what I’ve been feeling lately, there’s no time like the present. And now the cat is out of the bag with everyone in the family, including Blake, there are going to be questions. Questions neither of us have talked about yet. I just don’t know what the smart thing is to do here?

Would she even be willing to give it another shot? And am I going to make a total ass of myself by asking her? I mean, we kissed the other day. That’s gotta mean something. But I know how Eden is; she’s not one to just jump back into something like this, not after all this time. It begs the question of why she kissed me in the first place.

Is it just a rebound thing? I know she’s still hurting over Kirk so that could be it. But in thinking that, it's not her style at all. She doesn’t play games.

I guess I just don’t want it to mean more to me than it does to her. That’s what it comes down to.

I guess there’s only one way to find out.


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