Page 80 of Brooklyn & Eden

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I give him a sharp, unimpressed look about the meat comment.

“Sorry, wrong choice of words.”

“It all sounds pretty elaborate to me. Isn’t the point so you can have the potential of meeting someone?”

“Hardly likely. I mean, old ladies go to the raffle too, you know.”

I chuckle at the thought of it. “I guess it’s not exactly match-maker dot com.” I eye him then, suspiciously. “You sure you’re not secretly jonesing for Autumn?”

“Wouldn’t that be stupid.”

“Fuck, Beau.”

“I’m not jonesing for her. She’s a cute, smart photographer who has a billion guys asking her out everywhere she goes. I’m way too aloof, too nerdy for the likes of her.”

“But you’ve been friends for years. Isn’t that how the best relationships can sometimes start?” I would know after all. Eden and I have been friends since as long as I can remember. Others like Gray and Hartley dived straight in from their one-night stand in New York, so I guess there’s all different ways to get together.

“But it can spoil the friendship too,” he says. “It’s a fine line.

“Well, me and E are still friends even after being married.”

“And not divorced.”

“I love how everyone keeps bringing that up.”

“You’ll never live it down. No point trying now.”

I let out a breath as we near town. “It’ll sort itself out one way or another.”

“Or you can grab the bull by the horns.”

“What, and wrangle it?” I joke.

“Always the cowboy.” Beau rolls his eyes. “You’ve always been smooth with the ladies. If it’s not Eden, I’m sure you’ll have no trouble on auction day.”

“Hey, I haven’t said yes yet.”

“If I’m doing it, so are you. After all, it’s for the kids.”

“Fine.” I shrug. “I’ll do it. And I won’t tell anyone you’ve rigged it for yourself, getting your best friend to bid on you!”

“It’s better this way. Some of those single ladies of Stoney will eat me alive.”

“Not always a bad thing, little brother.”

“For me, it is.”

Beau enjoys his world of having things how he likes them. And he stays in a lot because his favorite past-time is gaming. That’s probably why his dates have been few and far between for quite some time.

“World of Warcraft has got nothing on love of a good country girl,” I state.

“I don’t just play World of Warcraft.”

“Just sayin’.” It’s food for thought for him, and for me.

I am probably setting myself up for failure, but it could be fun in the process.

And like Beau said, it’s for the kids.

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