Page 79 of Brooklyn & Eden

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The charity auction is a yearly event where the eligible men of Stoney Creek get up on a stage in the community hall and get raffled off like cattle to the highest bidder. And a date and dinner ensues at Mary-Lou’s.

It’s all to raise money for the kid’s wing of the local hospital and to help out their families towards the holidays.

“He’s game for just about anything,” Beau says.

“You should do it, spread your wings, brother.”

“I don’t think I get a choice. GB twisted my arm last night.”

I laugh out loud. “You’re still letting your little sister boss you around?”

“You know what she’s like. She doesn’t seem to care about the ten-minute age difference.”

“You can just say no, B. But I reckon it would be good for you. How long’s it been since you had a date?”

“A while,” he sighs. “Like I said, I don’t get out much.”

“Funny, she hasn’t asked me to enter.”

“That’s because she knows how you feel about Eden.”

“Fuck, maybe I really am that transparent.”

“You know Georgia. She can sense this shit a mile away.”

“Thank God she can’t read minds while she’s at it.”

“You could enter with me and Owen, make a night of it?” he suggests.

I scrunch my forehead in confusion. “Huh?”

“Well, if you’re not laying it out on the line with Eden, why not?”

“I’m getting my bearings about that, I told you.”

He shakes his head like he doesn’t believe it for a second. “You’ve had your bearings your whole damned life, Brook.”

That’s true enough.

“I’ll think about it. Maybe I will just do it and see what her reaction is.”

He laughs and blows out a breath. “Good luck with that.”

“I think it’s a perfect idea.”

“Not if she doesn’t bid on you.”

“It would be interesting to see what she does if someone else did. The whole town will be there.” I don’t know why I didn’t think of it first. Am I purposefully trying to make my wife jealous? Nope. But would it be one sure-fire way to find out how she feels? Yup.

“I can see the cogs in your head turning,” Beau says. “And you know, Dolly Simpson was asking if you and Travis are in the charity auction. GB overheard her at the Stone’s Throw.”

I chuckle. “Shit, I better have my wits about me. What about you?”

He’s toying with something, I can tell. “I think I’m going to bribe Autumn into bidding for me.”

“What?” I splutter a laugh.

“She called me last night all upset about her boyfriend. I think it’s over for good this time. So, I had an idea that if she bids for me I get off the hook, so to speak and she can have a bit of fun and forget about him. She’s been kinda down lately. And bonus, we still raise the money for charity and GB can’t say I wasn’t supporting the community. It’s good PR apparently to bid your single brothers off like we’re in a meat raffle.”

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