Page 78 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“She caught him in bed with another woman.”

“Holy shit.”

“And don’t fucking repeat that.”

“Swear on my life.” He does that crisscross thing over his heart.

“I guess you were right about him,” Beau says. “Does that leave an opening for you?”

I don’t want to tell anyone about the kiss, because neither of us know what it means yet. But I’m not sure how much longer I can keep it in. It’s brimming at the surface, ready to bubble over.

“I’ve no idea,” I sigh. “It’s a little soon. I didn’t wanna push her a few days after breaking up with her boyfriend.”

“Well, you are her husband,” he jokes.

“And now everyone knows.”

“Hey, I didn’t tell anyone.”

“No, I didn’t mean you. Eden told her friends at the bar while GB was there with the other girls. And then Mom found out from Georgia and we had to spill the beans on my idiocy to everyone else, Blake included.”

“How did she take it?”

“She doesn’t really understand what it really means. We didn’t say we’re getting back together or anything, because I've no idea if we are. We just didn’t want her to hear it from someone else.”

“I guess kids can be pretty impressionable at that age.”

And I’m sure my daughter would love nothing more than me and her mom getting back together. She’s taken the divorce well, being only five when it happened. I guess we kept things as normal as we could for her during the whole process. She’s come back and forth between our places ever since.

“Yeah. I mean, I’d never want to get her hopes up. Not when I don’t know myself what’s going on. And before you say it, I know I’m playing with fire.”

“You know better than to listen to anything I say.” He chuckles. “You know Eden better than anyone, so go with how you feel.”

“We have history, so that plays a part.”

“You gotta set all that aside,” Beau says. “And work out what you want going forward. And what if she turns around and asks for a proper divorce this time?”

I shake my head. “I think the spark is still there, brother.”

“Then I’d have the discussion sooner rather than later.”

“Weren't you the one telling me to play it cool and lay low?”

“That was before when she went off to Georgia and you were stewing about the whole non-divorce thing. She’s on the market now, so why not throw your hat in.”

I glance at him sideways. “Your advice can get a little confusing, has anyone told you that?”

He laughs. “Just telling it like I see it. And I guess it can change on any given day.”

“Good to know that now,” I muse.

“Hey, you heard about the charity auction coming up?”

I glance at him. “Why, you thinking of entering?”

“No, but GB has other ideas. I just wondered if you’d seen it.”

“I’ve seen the promos being put up over town in the last few days. Plus, when I talked to Owen this morning he said he was thinking of entering. Or rather, getting badgered into it by the women on the town committee.”

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