Page 72 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“When are you not?”

“That’s true, but hey. You knew that when you married me.”

She looks at me and we both laugh. It’s not like you can’t find the funny side in that.

“Are you ever going to stop making jokes like that about us still being married?”

“Not while I’m still breathin’, baby.”



He’s all smiles and cute cowboy with me today, and it’s not going unnoticed.

It’s actually nice being here, and it’s good to laugh with him. I’ve been so busy over the spring and the summer with back-to-back weddings. March through to September are crazy times for me with outdoor ceremonies. October is also one of my busiest months moving into fall. I have my last October wedding this weekend, so the coming week I will be flat out in preparation for that. Then things will slow down considerably heading into November, though I still have bookings for indoor events, with not much trickling into winter.

I don’t mind so much when it slows down because it can be very hectic during the spring and summer months. Maybe working with the Bassett’s will give me some more structure to my work/life balance, or it will make me busier than ever.

I bring Blake to work with me when I have events, if it’s on the weekends she’s with me.

She loves seeing the brides and helping behind the scenes, and I love making someone’s day feel like the most magical one in the world. That’s what I’m here for.

“It seems like there’s so much to work out,” I say to Brook, even though he’s tried to steer the conversation away from anything too pressing and focus on us having a family day.

“I told you we have an ever-growing list, just keep adding to that.”

“And someday we have to address that list.”

“We will, all in good time. Maybe we can grab dinner this week and have a chat about the whole thing?”

“Fine.” I nod. “That sounds good. I’m flat out this week, but I can fit in with you.”

“What are you doing for Thanksgiving?”

“I’m not sure yet.” In truth, with being so busy I haven’t really thought about it too closely.

“Well, you know you’re welcome to our place.”

“Is your mom and Aunt Patti doing the big cook off again?”

“You know it.”

“Well, my folks are out of town this year so maybe I will.” Brook invites me every year, and sometimes I do go, but more often than not I’m at my parents. This year, however, they’ll be away on vacation.

“Well it’s not far away.”

“Eight days to be exact.”

“I bet you’re glad when fall is over.”

“Yeah, it’s been a great season this year.”

“It makes me happy you’re successful, E.”

I smile. He definitely has always been supportive in that sense. “Even more so when I start planning for the barn.”

“So, it’s definite?” He raises an eyebrow.

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