Page 71 of Brooklyn & Eden

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I know he had a nanny who did extra house duties and all before Skye came into the picture, but he’s always been a bit of a neat freak regardless.

“The place is looking good,” she says, as her eyes glance around my expansive den.

I managed to tidy up a bit around here before she arrived. Unloading the dishwasher and giving the floors a going over.

“You mean, I tidied up.” I laugh.

“Something like that.”

“I was never too domestic, but I try.” I’ve had to get better over the years, especially when Blake is here and I need to do washing, folding and all that stuff. Blake is pretty good too and helps out a lot around the house.

She smiles. “You were always very hands on to me.”

I laugh as I help her with the picnic basket and her cooler bag. “Are we still talking about domestic chores?”

Her eyes widen and she presses her palm into her forehead. “Clearly, I’m still hungover.”

“Maybe a little.” I give her a cheeky sideways grin.

“And about that kiss,” she starts. Her perfect white teeth dig into her bottom lip.

I stand with my hand on my hip and look down at her, my eyes flick to her mouth. She’s as fresh as a fucking daisy now. Not that she looked bad before, even if she was nursing a bit of a hangover.

It’s also nice to see her dressed casually in jeans and checked shirt. She’s usually all business when I see her in work attire, not that I mind that either. She doesn’t wear much makeup, and I’ve always loved the fact I can see the freckles on her nose.

“What about it?”

“I shouldn’t have done that,” she says. I can tell she’s a little nervous.

“Hey, we’re married, I think we’re allowed.”

She hits me playfully on the arm. “I’m serious! I only just broke up with Kirk.”

Here we go. I wondered if this was going to come into play. “Look, let's not talk about him today. Just enjoy yourself here at the farm with our daughter. No pressure.”

She bites her lip again, and it takes everything I have to not reach out and pull it away.

“Don’t overthink it,” I say. “It happened, and it was good. We’ll work out if it means anything later.” It means something to me alright, but again, I don’t want to come on too strong. She already mentioned Kirk right after she brought up our kiss. And if I never hear his name again it will be too soon.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“I’m perfectly sure. You worry too much, E. You always have. Now, are you feeling better after that breakfast and coffee?”

She laughs quietly. “I am, yes. I had a nap after you left, and I’m never drinking again.”

“Famous last words. You are cute when you’re a little tipsy.”

“There was nothing cute about my behavior last night.” She covers her face again with her hands and I chuckle. “More and more came back to me after you left.”

“Trust me, you were.” I tug on her hand. “Now, while we wait for Blake, why don’t we go for a stroll around and I’ll show you what I’ve been doing when I’m not at work.”

“I’d love that. I know you’re always doing something.” She smiles.

“You know me.” I want to wrap her up in my arms and give her a hug, smell her hair and tell her everything is going to be alright. But I don’t make any such move to touch her. I’m afraid of my body’s reaction if I do.

“Yes, I do, Brooklyn Bassett.”

“Woah, using both my names. I must be in trouble.”

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