Page 73 of Brooklyn & Eden

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A warm smile lights up his whole face. “That’s awesome, E.”

“I think it’s going to be great. I said I’d give your mom and Georgia an answer by the end of the fall at the latest, but I didn’t want to keep them waiting.”

“Well then you need to come to thanksgiving so we can celebrate that, too. You know my mom, she loves to have everyone over. The more the merrier.”

“Sounds good.”

“I guess we’ll be seeing a whole lot more of each other pretty soon.”

I laugh as he leads me to the side garden where he’s growing all the veggies.

“Yes, it does. And it’s such a great opportunity for me to take my business to the next level. I mean, I have commitments already for next year booked in. But Jodie and I can totally manage the barn bookings. It's a win-win for all of us.”

“I think you’ll be perfect,” he says. “But maybe I’m just biased.”

“You think so?” I can’t help my smile.

“Yup. And as long as you’re still enjoying what you do, that’s what matters.”

“Yeah. I love it.”

“That’s half the battle.”

We hear barking behind us, then Blake comes crashing through the back on her bike, parking it at the fence line. “Hey, wait for me!”

Brook and I both laugh. “We're not going anywhere,” I assure her as Noodle runs past us to greet her. “Dad was just showing me around. I haven’t been here in a while.”

“Did you tell Mama you’ve been growing snap peas, among other things, Blake?”

I glance at Blake — she’s so much like her daddy sometimes. She has my curly hair, only darker. But she has his blue eyes and the same cheeky smile.

“It’s true, Mom. I’ve been experimenting.”

My lips twitch. “Really? You better show me then.”

“I’ve been growing kale and spinach with Dad, too. And potatoes, summer squash, radish, you name it.”

“She’s quite the little farmer, aren’t you Blake?” Brook gives her a scruff on the head as she tries to duck him.

They both proudly show me the sprouting garden, and the virtual herb wall Brook mounted. I have to admit, it’s impressive.

It takes a lot of work, I know that much. And you have to have the right soil, something I know Brook likes to do himself; tamper with dirt and experiment with compost.

Then we hang over the fence as Blake jumps in with Mandy, and the goats.

She’s a chip off the old block and doesn’t mind getting dirty.

“Are we going to have the picnic now?” Blake asks.

“I wondered how long that would take.” I laugh.

“I guess we can saddle up. Where would you two like to go?” Brook raises his eyebrows in question toward me, then Blake.

“Down the creek!” Blake jumps up and down with excitement.

I absolutely love the fact she digs the outdoors. It means she’s not using electronic devices and watching TV every second, and that’s a good thing in my book.

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