Page 66 of Brooklyn & Eden

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Am I sorry about it? Nope.

Does he look sorry? Nope.

But it doesn’t make it right. Especially right now with so much going on, and I’ve only just broken up with Kirk.

“So, Dad. Can we go horseback riding today or not?” Blake pleads. “Like Grandma said, it’s a nice day out. Maybe we could bring a picnic, Mom? Can we, please?” I have to hand it to my daughter, she certainly knows how to put me on the spot where I really feel bad saying no.

“We’ll see. If I can get rid of this headache then maybe.”

“More Tylenol.” Brook shrugs. “Should work like a charm.”

I can see he’s going to be no help at all on this one.

“You can go horseback riding any time you like, anyway,” I say to Blake.

“But I want you to come too, Mom. You’ve only met Sawyer once! And you need to check out what me and Dad have been growing.”

“Fine. You two are really pushy, do you know that?”

“She must get it from me.” Brook shrugs like he has no idea.

“Hmm, you think?”

Blake giggles.

“I think Mom needs a few hours to rest first though,” Brook says to our daughter.

“Yes. Mom does,” I agree. “But I also need to take Noodle for her walk.” And I need to apologize to my friends at some stage for bailing on them at the bar last night. I’m sure I have messages I haven’t checked.

“Maybe text me later, see how you’re feeling?” Brook suggests.

He’s not acting like we just shared our first kiss in years. He’s acting all ‘business as usual’. Meanwhile, my heart is racing right out of my chest, and I’m not sure what the hell we think we’re doing here.

Thank goodness Blake didn’t catch us lip locking after everything else. We’ve never, ever, been this irresponsible. Even when we tried to reconcile briefly when Blake was younger.

I need to talk to one of my friends and get some clarity, or even a pep talk would be good right now.

“Sounds good,” I agree.

“Don’t forget the Tylenol and peppermint tea, baby girl.”

I try to ignore his sexy little smile and keep my thoughts in check. I need to go about the rest of my morning as normally as possible. How I’m going to do that, though, is anyone's guess.

“What do you mean you kissed Brooklyn?” Autumn is astonished when I call her a little later. Autumn is a couple years older than me and she always has great advice.

Blake went with her father straight over to the farm where I’ll join them later. I know I should be keeping my distance from Brook until I figure out what to do, but my daughter rarely asks for anything. It won’t kill me to get on a damn horse — I’ve been riding them since I could walk.

I laid down after they left, and the peppermint tea did wonders, just as Brook suggested.

“It just kind of happened,” I sigh.

“Oh my God. So were you both drunk?”

Oh lord. “Brook wasn’t drunk, and that was actually this morning when I kissed him…”

There’s a pause on her end. “What the…”

“I know. Blake was just outside. My mother-in-law had just left after insinuating all kinds of innuendos about us getting back together.” I want to slap myself just hearing my own words.

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