Page 67 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“I love how you’re still calling her that, instead of just Gayle, or ex-mother-in-law.”

I run a hand down my face. “That’s the least of my troubles. What the hell am I going to do?”

“What do you want to do, E? Only you know that.”

“I don’t want to rebound from Kirk.”

“Is that what you’re doing?”

“I don’t know,” I sigh again. It’s early days. I don’t have the answers. I was having feelings for Brook before any of this, and yet I’m still trying to put what I saw Kirk doing behind me.

“Maybe you do know but you don’t want to admit it.”

“It all happened pretty fast,” I admit. “He was here, looking out for me, which is typical of Brook. He fell asleep on the bed and made me breakfast this morning.”

“All without laying a hand on you? Geez, where do I get a guy like that?”

I laugh lightly. “I know, but this is Brooklyn. It’s kind of a unique situation.”

“Tell me exactly where the kiss took place, and then what happened. I need details.”

I run through the events leading up to that point, including Brook walking out of the guest bathroom in just his towel — right when his mom and Blake were standing there.

“You’ve got to admit it’s pretty funny,” she says, still chuckling her head off.

“It’s so not funny, Autumn!”

“Maybe once you’ve gotten rid of that hangover you’ll see the funny side. Having to make excuses even though you’re technically married. I get it, you don’t want to confuse Blake before you even know what’s going on. But Brook’s a catch, he always has been. Plus, he’s way cuter than Kirk ever was.”

“Thanks for reminding me.”

“You’re putting the Kirk thing behind you, right?”

“Well he has tried to call me since I left that day.” I roll my eyes at the memory. “But there’s no way I’m picking up. I don’t want to hear anything he has to say.”

“Of all the nerve! What the hell is he playing at?”

“If I ever see him again, I’ll probably hit him over the head with something.”

“That might not be a bad idea. I’ll be your alibi.”

I laugh. “Thanks. What are friends for, right?”

“Do you want me to come over, or we can go out and grab a coffee?”

“I’d love to, but Blake wanted to go horse riding. I kinda got roped in.”

“You go girl!” she laughs. “I’m assuming this is over at Brook’s place?”

“You assumed correctly. We do hang out as a family all the time…”

“But you kissed,” she reminds me.

The thought sends a tingle all the way down to my toes. “I don't know what to say to him to be honest,” I admit. Okay, I’m thirty years old and I’m not a kid anymore, obviously, but he still gets me all tongue-tied. Especially because it’s been so many years since we kissed or looked at each other the way we have been lately.

“You’ll figure it out. It’s Brooklyn.”

“I know but we split up twice before so what’s changed now? That’s what I keep asking myself.”

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