Page 65 of Brooklyn & Eden

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Brook waits until she’s gone before he turns to me with a cheeky grin, leaning on the counter with his muscular arm. “Remember what she said about what?” He cocks an eyebrow.

I wave it off. “Oh, nothing. Just girl talk.”

His grin widens even more. “If you say so.”

“That was so embarrassing, by the way.”

“It’s not my fault, I didn’t know they were going to walk in right then!”

“I know, I’m not blaming you. It’s just been a big morning. But thank you, Brook. For being such a gentleman about all of this, and for bringing me home last night. You’re a decent guy.”

He sighs and steps toward me, reaching out his arms, tugging me into him to give me a hug. “I know, babe. It’s always been my problem.”

I laugh as I give him a quick hug back. He might be in last night’s shirt, but he still smells and looks hot. And his warmth. He’s always so warm. “And thanks for staying with me.”

“I love how you still do that koala thing,” he chuckles as we pull away.

I swallow as I look up at him. “Kill me now.”

“No, it was cute. But in my defense, I was trapped.” He reaches up to touch my face softly with his fingertips and I just about melt. A shot of desire dips down my stomach as my eyes blink down to his chest.


He momentarily closes his eyes and I hear a faint sigh. “You’ve been calling me that old nickname a bit lately.”

“Do you still like it?”

“From you, yes.”

We both laugh softly.

“Give a man another hug for the road?” his voice lowers.

I reach up and wrap my arms around him again and he pulls me in against his chest. It’s more than a little close for comfort because he’s so solid and warm. I also realize that with all the commotion he never elaborated on the tattoo.

Another time.

My other hand inadvertently rests on his toned stomach. I can feel the muscles under his shirt and my fingers have the urge to rub, but I stop myself. He pulls back as we look at each other in the quiet of the kitchen.

“E,” he sighs, as I hold onto him and he holds onto me. He slowly dips his head the same time I reach up on my toes and our lips meet. I don’t know… it just feels right.

The moment his warm mouth touches mine, I sigh in a way I haven’t in a long time. It feels like heaven. Everything about my cowboy husband brings me back to where we were all those years ago. It’s like a flashback in a movie scene, with everything running through my head at once; being kids and chasing each other from the creek, Brook teaching me to drive where I almost backed into a tree. The night he took me down to the Creek in my car and made love to me for the first time. The hay bales… The pregnancy… Our wedding… Blake.

Our baby being born and having her laid on my chest while we both cried. Brook kissing her head and telling us we were never getting rid of him, ever. It all goes by in a blur…

He switches angles without breaking from the kiss and I squeeze my arms around him tighter, never wanting him to stop. “Baby,” he murmurs.

“Brook,” I sigh.

It’s only the sound of Noodle crashing through the doggie door and Blake’s voice calling after her that we both spring apart, just before she has a chance to catch us. And just like that, I’m catapulted back to present day reality.

I’ve no idea where his head is at in all of this. But his taste on my lips is something welcome and wanted.

We’re certainly taking irresponsible ‘divorcees’ to a whole new level today.

We both stare at each other as Blake — oblivious to anything going on — walks up to the fridge and grabs a juice box. I quickly snap out of my Brook-filled haze and pick up my coffee cup for distraction.

What the hell are we doing?

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