Page 64 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“You’re grown adults.” She waves her hand at me like it’s nothing at all, but the twitch of her lips tells me she’s enjoying the idea of it being something more. “You don’t have to explain to me.”

My cheeks flush what feels like a crimson hue. Jesus. “He was sweet enough to stay… but not in my bed.”

She doesn’t appear to be listening, nor does she care. If anything, she looks… happy.

“It’s fine, honey. I have to run. I’ll make you two coffee and get out of your hair.”

She’s such a sweet, petite little woman, it’s hard to believe she had five children. Especially since all the boys are strapping and at least six feet tall.

“No, it’s fine, you don’t have to go…”

“Are you okay, though? Beau said you broke up with Kirk?” Good news sure does travel super fast in this town.

I swallow hard not enjoying hearing Kirk’s name. I somehow resist the urge to shudder. “Well, that’s what I was doing last night. Drowning my sorrows so to speak. Brooklyn was just looking out for me, you know how he is.”

“I sure do.”

“You’ll only hear it from someone else eventually, but Kirk was cheating on me. I caught him when I drove down there the other day as a surprise. Needless to say I left and came home early.”

She touches my arm with her hand, and rubs it up and down. “Oh, honey. I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Stupid me, I guess.”

“Don’t ever call yourself stupid for trying for something,” she says softly. “I got lucky with Bob. He’s the only man I’ve ever really known, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I know it’s much harder these days though, finding a suitable partner.”

Our eyes meet. “I guess you got it right the first time. It’s a beautiful thing,” I say, my words trailing off. I hope I don’t sound too sad.

“Well, your time will come, you can be sure about that. Maybe it already has.” She smiles, blinking her long lashes a couple of times.

I smile back just as Brook walks back in, fully clothed this time.

“Mom, sorry about that. Bad timing.” He reaches forward to give her a kiss on the cheek. “How was Blake?” He walks over to the fridge to grab the milk like everything is just dandy and they didn’t just walk in on a very awkward scenario. Maybe it’s just me over-dramatizing it.

“Blake was just fine, honey. She and Trinity were playing board games last night, and we got pizzas for dinner. They watched a movie after that and fell asleep on the couch with their sleeping bags.”

“That’s so cute.” I smile as I watch Brook finish making the coffee, taking over for his mom.

“She’s been going on about horseback riding this morning, just so you know,” Gayle says to Brook. “Maybe you should all go have a ride, it’s a beautiful day.” She gives me a little wink.

His mom is no fool and she seems to be loving every minute of whatever scenario she’s got going on in her head. And it isn’t hard to guess.

“Oh, I don’t know, I think I’d…” I try to ramble some reason out of it.

“Great idea.” Brooklyn grins. “We haven’t done that in a while, have we, E?”

“Maybe I better see if my headache dies down first,” I say sheepishly.

“Well, y’all have fun whatever you end up doing.” She gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek, then hollers out to Blake a goodbye, and turns to hug Brook.

“I’ll see you out, Mom.”

“I’m fine. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Bye, Gayle.” I smile over my coffee cup.

“See you, sweetheart. Remember what I said.”

I want to facepalm myself, then let the ground swallow me whole. Gayle Bassett doesn’t mince with words, that’s one thing you can be sure of.

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